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No kidding, it finally happened.

The complex animation and work on new content took much longer than we had planned, but in the end we did everything as originally planned, and now we can move forward in the development of the game.

The next update is scheduled for the end of April. It will also be small and will contain several new events. We intend to release stable small updates monthly and hope that we will succeed.

For those who do not want to search for new events on their own:

  • The event at the Khans base begins after losing to local bandits and going to jail.

  • The event with ordinary raiders can be opened if Natasha loses in battle while naked.

Без шуток, это наконец-то произошло.

Комплексная анимация и работа над новым контентом заняли гораздо больше времени, чем мы планировали, но в итоге мы сделали все так, как задумывалось изначально, и теперь можем двигаться дальше в разработке игры.

Следующее обновление запланировано на конец апреля. Оно также выйдет небольшим и будет содержать несколько новых эвентов. Мы намерены выпускать стабильные небольшие обновления ежемесячно и надеемся, что у нас все получится.

Для тех, кто не хочет самостоятельно искать новые события:

  • Эвент на базе Ханов начинается в тюрьме, после поражения от местных бандитов.

  • Эвент с обычными рейдерами можно открыть, если Наташа проиграет в бою обнаженной.

List of changes 0.6.0 version:

  • add: new animation with different stages

  • add: raider wasteland erotic event

  • add: khan base erotic event

  • add: stealth system demo (khan base)

  • add: khan base boxes and locks

  • add: effect discomfort

  • add: lockpick speed up hotkey

  • add: lockpick difficulty user option

  • add: lockpick base speed indicator

  • add: lockpick autoplay

  • add: lockpick autoplay chance indicator

  • add: multiple doors passage route

  • add: scene options/filelist arrows

  • add: separate battle bust presets

  • mod: new game version flow and saves backward compatibility scheme

  • mod: lockpick multiple visual changes

  • mod: exclude debugging code from production build

  • mod: path finding improvements

  • mod: various loading time optimizations

  • mod: convert all assets to webp

  • mod: reduce game package size

  • fix: various localization errors

  • fix: lockpick minigame various fixes and optimizations

  • fix: load game zoom state

  • fix: message window auto bounds

  • fix: character position rounding

  • fix: availability of shaving

  • fix: small scorpio scale

  • fix: disable notifications on memory maps

  • fix: NaN exp notification

  • fix: battle no damage reaction

  • fix: khan base event crash

  • fix: lisa event layers order

  • fix: shelter jail event crash

  • fix: multiple choice windows busts and colors

  • fix: various localization changes

  • fix: various bust assets changes

  • fix: jarvis quest map crash

  • fix: overlay map objects pixel offset

  • fix: message window names outline colors

  • fix: window message default text offset

  • fix: warehouse events spine layers order

  • fix: plants event spine layers order

  • fix: disable khan base development event

  • fix: last destination restore

  • fix: new path finding doors loop

  • fix: message window close button missing

Download links:

Win x64 | Linux x64 | Mac OS




Does this mean that the save file can now be used in the next version?


A lot of work has been done on the compatibility of the game's save files, so you can use your saves from any previous NON-BETA version of the game.

Garm Eyes

What attracted me to the game initially was Natashas attitude with the plants, not being a victim but an accomplice. It made the game different from other games with game over sex scenes. I hope that will continue, have Natasha be a willing partner to some of the many options out there.