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Hello, I have been pretty sick with some kind of flu these past few days causing quite intense muscular pain as soon as I stay seated for more than a few minutes, and it's still going, hence the slowness. I'll be back when I can do more than sleep all day =x 

Edit 22.04.23: Just found out... it's COVID! in 2023! I don't think I have much to fear beyond the flu like symptoms but fuck me, just as I'd stopped expecting it!




Ack, I'm all yoo familiar with that. Take it easy. I usually get some steroids from the local urgent care clinic and they help immensely.


Your health is the most important thing! Thank you for communicating and please take the time you need

Chums Knifeblade

As everyone here said already take care of yourself first, we will be here to support you regardless


I hope you get better Buru!

Cyn Anemone

Get well soon Lord Buru. Take it easy and focus on recovery


Get well soon!