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Contrary to what it might look like, Comrade Darius is not the only one allowed to ask questions!



Fredrik Åberg

What is the process behind your design of a new character in The Great war wives? Would you be open to drawing a new character in the great war wives in the future if commissioned from a Patreon with the E.D. tier?


Have you ever traveled by ships or planes? How was the experience if so?


Do you hate M. Bison and Necalli like you do Gill? If so, who do you think would be an ideal Street Fighter villain?


Any love for Killer Instinct?


Did you like the idea of Alex being the new protagonist of SF 3? How do you think series should introduce new characters?


(https://imgur.com/a/o7R5mmD) How do you like the SF6 boxart? I think it could be better


Did you like Resident Evil 4 Remake?


Did you see Death Note? Thoughts on it?


Which LoL characters are your favorite? Most hated?


When you draw muscular characters in different poses, how do you know what shapes the muscles will take?


What's your favorite style of lady parts to draw, extra beef or plain?


How long do you typically spend on the construction part of an illustration? I get caught up on the structure and have a hard time pushing past that to complete something.


Do you think sometimes about giving some kind of "class" or tutorials, some ways to share your knowledges?


Does Flash Cotton have a Napoleon complex?


Does Marianne have any flaws or things she is not good at?


Do you envision Matilda and Dorothy as lovers?


Have not played it! This is not really the RE era I enjoy, though I do respect the game and the memes =>


Have not seen the Anime but I did read the manga. I think it's really good, it's a really well crafted story and it's not a common thing in manga to follow a full on 'bad' actor who doesn't go through any kind of redemption arc. I do have an issue with the awkwardness of social interactions but that's a constant with the authors.


it's been more than a decade since I've actually played league so my perspective on the character is a bit...vestigial. Oddly enough, I liked old Irelia, objectively an inferior design but she was the first real female bruiser and that got me goin => nowadays I think caitlyn has gotten quite cool (both arcane and game versions) and well rounded. Since I play LoR it's easier for me to consider regions, my favorites being Bilgewater and Piltover&Zaun, my most disliked being Targon and Ionia, this tends to apply to characters within those regions =)


Well, that's within the domain of anatomical knowledge mostly! However there's a lot of artistic licence in how you group these shapes and choose an angle, I don't have a fixed process for this but overall I try to implement pleasant staggered curves, along with strong overlaps to signify mass and some angular/straight lines for contrast. Yeah it's not easy to sum up!


It's easier for me to build up a figure if I can add Muscle mass, it's how I understand the body and I feel a bit more wobbly if you take away this frame of reference! I guess it's telling that my "default" choice of body is muscular, so the answer is definitely BEEF!


It's normal for this phase to take up a bunch of time, that's where you have the opportunity to make sure that when you go into lining/rendering you won't have to backtrack to the sketch phase to fix shit and break your flow. I believe that shortcuts you might take during that phase will cost you a lot of time down the line if you don't have a very "agile" brain, so my recommendation would be to put in the time and set it aside for a bit if you get too sick of it, work on something else and get back to it later.


Not really unfortunately, structuring your knowledge and experience into something useful for others is a skill in itself, and while I'm not closed off to it in principle I have no instinct for it. To be honest I'm too focused on my own inability to apply structure to my process, not exactly great when you want to help others in finding their footing!


Marianne is a bit single-minded and focused on whaterver dominant paradigm is in place. When there is an appetite for war she puts all her energy behind it, but when the spark is met with the realization that war has changed and there is little sense to any of it, she is not equipped to handle a shift in perspective. I don't know how that manifests though!


The main drive behind those designs is just my enjoyment of the time period and atmosphere of the era, I try to work that into a silly hyper sexualised form that can still be tied back to the source. I usually look at uniforms and identify the types of shapes and materials I should try to use, as well as historical elements to give the character some relevant personality traits. Yes I can work on custom GWW, I've done quite a few of these already for Comrade Darius!


I have gone on a few short boat trips, small vessels only,but I have spent a lot of time on planes when I was a kid/teenager, living in Australia and Ultramarine French territories has that effect!


I love Bison! He's a perfect SF design. Necalli is all right but a bit on the bland side ultimately, but that might be because he was caught up in the SF5 dip of enthusiasm. I think Gill is terrible because his dumb color scheme on an otherwise bland frame says nothing about him and doesn't give him an interesting presence. It's quite inexcusable compared to all the phenomenal designs coming from SFIII


I respect what the last one did and the combo system syncing with music is genius, some really cool designs also, but I haven't touched it =O


Alex is cool and the new characters in 6 are pretty cool so I have no complaints, I'd actually like them to REALLY age the vanilla cast visually and advance towards a new era, they are being very shy on that front but there's definitely some good direction lately.


Heh yeah I'll always prefer the more Anime/2D style boxarts so I'd agree with you there.


As for the experience, I have the uncanny ability to sleep 80% of the time when I'm in a moving vehicle, so it always goes by relatively swimmingly. I also kinda like the weird atmosphere in airports and transit systems, there's something relaxing about having no choice but to just wait around.