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Hi Buru how are you?


Doing just fine! Had a b-day weekend and I'm designing an OC!

BNik92 .

Ever read the works of Rocket Monkey? If so what do you think of them?


How did you like the new SFV waifus (Menat, Lucia, Laura, Akira, Falke, Fem Seth)?


Do you buy any character figurines? If so, what are they?


How do you feel about the rise and dominance of the Superhero film genre?


Are there any martial arts you want to see represented in video games more? We could always use more capoeira


Do you like the Tekken 8 designs so far? Nina and Law looks better than ever imo (https://www.fightersgeneration.com/games/tekken8-p4.html)


Do you like the isekai genre?


What's your history with the Gundam series?


Did you grow up with the Disney animated movies?


What French dialect would Marianne would most likely speak? If you have thought about the dialects of other GWWs, what are they?


What are your favorite pizza toppings?


Would you be okay with requests for fighting game OC characters for a hypothetical game you might make? (Ex. Create a Russian lady sambo martial artist?)


I don't really think about that in terms of toppings because I don't get takeaway pizza! I like the classics Margheritas when the ingredients are perfect, otherwise Prosciutto, Speck and more bold iterations like Chicken Barbecue occasionally.


If you mean via the gallery tiers if the design proposition is cool I can consider puhing it indeed!


Menat is not my type of girl but those walking animations inspire much respect, if they bring her back as a Rose replacement and age her up a bit, I think we might get somewhere brilliant. Lucia is unfortunately quite bland, Laura is very nice, Akira is OK but I'd rather they bring back RS (and TIFFANY!), Falke misses the mark for me and I don't like he fighting style. I haven't seen much of Femseth!


I have a few! Android 18, Himiko Toga, Nobara K, Miss Deadpool and that delicious Max Factory Mai designed after her CVS illustration. I also have (not Disney) Gaston <3


It's losing a lot of steam innit? I enjoyed the movies up to the Gauntlet arc finale, since then I have not watched any and the Disney+ stuff hasn't pulled me in. I honestly think the pipeline of blockbusters was quite appealing, but like most things it's starting to overstay its welcome.


I am not much of a martial arts connoisseur, I don't know if there's any I'd particularly root for, what I am more interested in is their rendition in game and I tend to prefer when they stay reasonably grounded (REASONABLY), hence my affection for SF (and my hatred for characters like Gill that break everything)


I do not like Tekken! A lot of their designs are very strong but while there's a facet of the designs and atmosphere I like (the Heihachi vibe), I find the core leads to be the wrong kind of campy. In SF i already kinda hated the Evil Ryu and Akuma iterations that were such a downgrade from the base designs, Jin's own winged demon shit is just awful to me. I also don't like the feel of the movement and impacts gameplay wise, it's not satisfying visually in my eyes.


I have only a peripheral experience of Gundam and have seen little of it, I mostly just like the designs and feel that carries over from the 90s.


Yes! Lion King was the most impactful, the following movies I no longer followed up on.


Making that determination requires more skills and insight than I can muster! Mainland French has fewer accent groups nowadays than most other languages, I couldn't isolate more than 5 significant ones accross the country (compared to GB having one accent per mid-sized city). Of course it wasn't always this way, there were a lot of regional vernaculars before the XXth century, but there was a conscious effort to harmonise the language accross the whole country in a push towards centralisation that started in the XIXth Century. Today it is almost fully realised, but in and around 1914 there were likely a lot of variants that are now completely extinct. Hence I just don't know how Marianne would speak and have brushed that element aside for just that reason =)