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If you are so inclined!



How are you so wonderful?! And how often do you get to work/practice with coloring?


What's your history with Final Fantasy? Thoughts on JRPGs in general?


How would Flash Cotton interact with the Triple Entente? The Triple Alliance?


Cammy or Chun Li?


What is your favorite body part to draw? Least favorite?


Who is the physically strongest GWW? (I'm guessing Wil). Who is the smartest GWW?


By accident! and I pretty much never practice color because I lack boldness these days, it is indeed frustrating sometimes like when I want to lay out some color schemes for my GWW.


I have zero experience with final fantasy and quite a limited one with JRPGs as a whole, I didn't own a playstation in the 90s and while I came close I never got any for Dreamcast => I do know about FF7 because I watched friends play through qute a bit of it and the designs where everywhere. I played western RPGs on PC mostly, fond memories but not quite the same timeless visuals japan delivers.


I don't know! I mean she's not enlisted per se but she manifests on the western front in support of British efforts, her specialty makes her a bit of a loner but she isn't antisocial.


I'd say the shoulder girdle, deltoids and upper arms are my favorite because of the power they exude. Least favorite is the forearm, I really get lazy with them and never get the wrist transition right.


It's all in the air, Marianne is probably the strongest but there are other "icon" level contenders I haven't developed yet who would match her, Brits will get Gloriana eventually! Tactically the smartest currently wold be wilhelmina and Danjou, Flash Cotton an the bullies have their domain of expertise (Henriette knows scrappy melee and Ida likes clearing shit out with grenades). Not very deep =)

BNik92 .

A bit late but, do you have any specific reason you started drawing? Like a project you wanted done or a design you wanted drawn?