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This one was interesting because I'm rarely faced with an old pic where my gripes are focused on the general feel of the character not being what I want it to be. 

The composition elements were fine, I just had to make them more bold to bring back some flow. Mai herself however, was not where I wanted her to be, she's a design from the 90s with rather simple attributes that should evoke a very spicy but approachable feel, rather similar to Chun li but more unsubtle and in on the pandering. I thus made her  less "cute" and more womanly, removing some roundedness (her face for example) and puffiness (the bangs) adding stronger shapes and angles. 

You might prefer the old approach and that's fine! These redraws aren't meant to "fix" things, rather to see how my perspective might have changed.

There will be hair and WS alts in the rewards!

Also, I am working on the poll pics, I've experienced some setbacks this rather dreary month, but it should pick up.





I appreciate that you kept the bottom intact with spot improvements, such a hot invitation from Mai!