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There have been some complications with the hospital stay of my father, they should resolve themselves over time but it has delayed the initial plans as I have not been able to return home.
Two scenarios might develop: if some stability is recovered in time for patreon activity I'll strive to resume as normal, otherwise if needed I will freeze my patreon for June, meaning that no charge will go through in early July.
If the latter occurs poll related work will be delayed but any work accomplished within the month will be made available.

I really don't know where things are going for now but I will do my best in keeping you informed, thank you so much for your kind words and support'

Edit: I should specify, in any case the May rewards will definitely be sent out in early June, this freeze business only relates to next month's content and is still not a sure thing at all, If I'm being unclear don't hesitate to ask for clarification in the comments!



Familly always comes first, do what you have to do and don't pressure yourself even more.


Do what you gotta do Buru!


Nobody should hold it against you. You only get one family.


Please make your family a priority.


Everything will be okay, stay strong


Tu as tout mon support et ma compassion. Prend soin de toi et de ceux qui te sont cher avant tout