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The update indeed comes very late, I now explain myself!

the reason is that I learned from the Lulu Comic that I should prepare a lot more ahead of time to avoid dealing with certain problems during the process proper. As an example, I hadn't really developed a solid approach for Lulu's hair, so in each panel I struggled with the form of it, the flow of it, all while trying to stay consistent.

The solution is acquiring a solid grasp on the characters’ design elements and become able to iterate rapidly on those. And that’s where problems arise, as I’ve shared in the past about my process, I am slow and have been since I started drawing, which means I don’t really doodle, I don’t do quick sketches, my brain hasn’t been trained for that.

So when came the time to draw a character over and over to get a good feel for them as a recurring design, I realized I just didn’t know how and it became incredibly frustrating. This month I tried to work hard to address this by loosening my sketching and building confidence, it’s tough because you obviously get shitty results for a while but it’s slowly starting to bear fruit, it does however take some time and the actual build-up towards the comics has been delayed a bit. This month I’ll be keeping at it and will strive to get a good grip on the characters, beyond the comics this is a broader effort to change some crippling bad habits of mine art-wise, so everything In the future should be positively affected.


Here are some sketches for the PROSPECT project featuring my OC Pipe Girl and SilenceSoLoud’s Eleanore. (right click+open image in new tab!)


Pipe Girl:


As you can see they are pretty clean for sketches, that’s another point to address, setting up priorities and knowing when to stop, and I suck at that! Eleanore has a bodytype I’m somewhat familiar with now so it’s going ok, but with PG I’m still all over the place, I want her to be toned and Athletic and I can’t stop myself from making her all ripped. At least her face I’m starting to get the hang of.

Unfortunately that’s all on that front, more to come for sure.



There will be a small comm round starting on the 17th of november, not Patreon related and no more than 5 slots!



Take all the time you need o/