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Dear Partners,

A new update is available.

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+ IIPA Droplet Smashing Minigame


We have begun testing out our dialogue battle system and have managed  a design that merges the dialogue with what our game has become known  for, our fantasy physics.

Last week on the Patreon I covered the inspiration behind the  dialogue system in our game. The Dialogue system is based on the a book  called the Celestine Prophecy. It's about how there are only 4 kinds of  social energy exchange between all humans. We are developing our  dialogue system around this creative theory using what the author  called: "Control Dramas".

Each 4 of the control dramas here are represented by a droplet with their respective symbol:

  1. Intimidator:
    Strengths: Commands authority, instills fear.  
    Creates hostility, lacks genuine connection.
  2. Interrogator:  
    Gains information, maintains control.  
    Generates discomfort, may alienate others.
  3. Woe Is Me (formerly Poor Me):  
    Elicits sympathy, receives support.  
    Can be manipulative, fosters dependency.
  4. Aloof:  
    Maintains mystery, avoids conflict.  
    May appear unapproachable, lacks emotional connection.

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to enter the dev dialogue editor, then enter any dialogue and it will bring you to the egg physics scene.

In our game, we plan to use these 4 Power Dramas to color our NPC's  personalities and devise a dialogue based countering system using the power dramas to change you dialogue into how one of the 4 power dramas might respond. Intimidator intimiate, Interrogators question, Woe is Me makes jokes, and Aloof is the mysterious outsider.

From last week you may recognize this image, we managed to boil the power drama system to these symbols:

That is now this, and the "breaking the ice" design has also change:

We have given the power dramas coloring that matches the 4 bodily humors;  + Yellow Bile + Black Bile + Blood + Phlegm  We think this is a smart way to progress through this novel "dialogue battle" while deepening the visual metaphors and ultimately the emotional impact of our rad game. We gave them some metaphoric coloring to match the 4 humors / 4bodily fluids from greek medicine/alchemy.

We have given this a lot of thought, how do we cross a traditional VN system with our unique fantasy physics engine? I think we I I think this will inform the skill trees you will need to upgrade to research dialogue combat skills. Such as; Persuasion. You may use persuasion or even spells to alter the course of the plot and change critical events in the world, find muses, earn favors and build your hideout into a harem vessel. These spells are capable of altering the dialogue in ways that are very meaningful and fun. And the consequences of doing so may lead you to purity or corruption and alter your physical appearance. You will find it quite fun once you are performing jedi-mindtricks" on the NPC's in our world to get what you want.

This is that content that you've been looking for and we're only just getting started.
Warm regards,




how do i download?


Usually I include a link at the top of every post, seems I forgot for this one I'll add it rn thank you


Yoo coom.