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Dear Partners,

A Critical Update is now Required.

Our launcher is now live which will handle the versioning of our game, meaning all downloads and updates will be handled directly from the comfort of your desktop or mobile device. No more manual downloading and installations from itch beyond this new launcher download. However, all previous versions of the game have now been deactivated.

To continue enjoying our game please download the most recent version (0.6.0)

DOWNLOAD: https://soulcoom.itch.io/soulcoom-dev
Please use the email you have registered with Patreon to sign-up and login.

+ Auto-Update Feature
+ Moved Signup, Login, Autologin, Reedem code, Verify code, Change email, Recover password from website to Launcher

Soulcoom's game versioning is now being  managed by our launcher. You can download or update the game directly  from your desktop or mobile device now. Users will no longer be  redirected to an external site. The data to recover password and request  verification codes was optimized, removing the need for a username  field. We have also improved our game's security ensuring that your  perks as loyal subscribers remain exclusive and protected.​ More updates  are planned for this area including an email free way to access the  game. Although it will take  a bit more time than we first thought. We  ask for your patience while we work out any issues that may arise from this change.​​

Do not close the game while an update is running.

Thanks for your patience
Warm regards,




How can I make the game stop asking if I’m over 18?


Ok So....im like really lost I see in server it says Download from Patreon to get the mobile version but! When I do that the only link here is to Itch.o? And that's the one that doesn't function? Or let me sign up or sign in? So how do I even use it?


Hello! Thank you for the message. Can you please come to the discord with a screenshot of the message you received? We are releasing a fix later this afternoon for the server that will simplify the sign-up process further, however I need to see this misleading error messaging you are seeing and confirm some of your info. Can you come through? https://discord.gg/FSNdJrNwPH