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Dear Partners,

A new update is available.

DOWNLOAD: https://soulcoom.itch.io/soulcoom-dev
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+ Sex Positioning UI Shortcuts (Bottom Right)
+ Male Facial Hair (Editable from Features UI shortcut, Top Right)

+ Male Audio Item : Allan Sub
+ Male Audio Item : Allan Dom
+ Male Audio Item : Adakam Sub (Spanish-English mix)
+ Male Audio Item : Adakam Dom (Spanish-English mix)
+ Echo Location : Equipping Audio items in the Inventory previews the Voice
+ Echo Location : In-game, when a Sub Voice enters playback, there is a  chance that the Dom will Reply and enter a back-and-forth.


This week, we're excited to share that we've introduced numerous new  voice lines contributed by a colleague with an exceptionally velvety  male voice for both Sub and Dom models. More voice lines are currently  in production, making this the month of male voices! Additionally, we've  incorporated 'midnight shadow' to the male model based on their  Testosterone level. You can modify the stubble's visibility using the  Features/Make-Up UI shortcut. We've also enhanced each sex position and  added convenient shortcuts to the bottom right of the screen for easier  access to these features.


After dedicating over a year of daily work, we'll be taking a two-week break from updates. Tonight, we're releasing a final silent update to fix a persistent physics bug that was causing issues with intersex characters. We're excited to return with more male voices.

During this hiatus, I'll step away from public updates but continue developing our evolving our story, Corruption vs Purity theme, dialogue, and battle systems, which has been structured into six arcs with approximately ~90,000 word scripts each.

Here's a rough preview from my notes:

Magic medieval camp on a floating Island carnival/farm.

As a (Miniature) Fairy within a Lusty Fairy Tribe or a farmhand working as an assistant at a Fairy school with your Mentor, your journey begins when your genitalia disappears. Simultaneously, a Lust Madness outbreak starts spreading within your Tribe, reminiscent of themes from 'Bondage Faeries' and 'Bible Black'.

Main Quest:
The storyline revolves around a group of blood-worshipping fairies who sacrifice virgins to their God "Thurst" to resolve a crisis. Players decide the fate of the Virgin sacrifice ritual—will they sacrifice to 'Thurst' or to a more opposing God named 'Streets'? The gameplay involves experimenting with Testosterone/Estrogen to either cure or spread the madness. Players will meet their first companions, upgrade their new hideout, and engage in our unique battle mechanic system combining  emotional expressions and dialogue.

Home base is wooden, magical fairy hut, Western slabs of wood and iron.

New Party members:
(Name) Lusty scientist fairy girl
(Name) Sex Slave religious zealot
(Name) Wise Crone Sage

Gain Purity or Corruption or Neutrality
Mine Resources
Influence Party Members
Battle NPCs through Dialogue System
Resolve the conflict to preview Arc 2


Defending will appear as dialogue in a VN format. In Soulcoom, dialogue is the main combat mechanic. To avoid over-complicating things, defending is simply reading the dialogue that appears on the screen until a battle instance of dialogue appears.

Introvert: loses resources during Battle, gain resources in rest. (Main design)
Extrovert: gains resources during Battle, lose resources in rest. (Not designed)

Skill Tree 1:
Triats / Personality Order / Power Drama Skilltree (Based on 4 Personality Types) :

Breath control, control dialogue expiration time
Pneumatic world rising: rewind a dialogue selection once per day.

Thought Police, reveal which is the most unlikely dialogue answer
Cancel: use your allies to ???

Poor Me
Comedic Timing, random better chance of success with "..." preface dialogue.
Funny yet Likable: gain friendship points more easily
One Bad Day: chaos RNG effect during conversation

Soul Crush, if target is nervous, silence can be used to determine the correct answer, once per day.
North vs South: your intimidating presence makes the target anxious.

Skill Tree 2:
Ambivalence / Emotional Expression (Facial) Skilltrees (Based on primary 8 emotions) :

1. Zeal
2. Joy
Ascending Example:
2.A Cheerful
2.B Excited
3. Trust
Hybrid Example:
2x3.A Hopeful
4. Shock
5. Fear
6. Sorrow
7. Disgust
8. Anger
Hybrid Example:
2x8.A Excited
Each Emotional Expression can be ascended:
Joy Upgrade 1: (Joy ascended) Energetic
Joy Upgrade 2: (Energetic ascended) Cheerful
Or Emotions may be mixed for hybrids:
Joy + Trust Upgrade 1: Hopeful
Joy + Anger Upgrade 1: Excited.

We will combine emotional states of the brow, eye, mouth, and facial VFX to subtly convey a stronger emotional presence or multiple emotions at once. Example: Joy ascended, energetic, might have a glow effect on eye or manga vfx like soft squiggly lines slowly vibrating. Another more simple example: Hopeful would be some combination of a joy mouth plate, with a trust eye, and joy eye brow.

Skill Tree 3:
Body Language Animations: unlockable skill tree. Saving for later.


Defending will appear as dialogue in a VN format. In Soulcoom, dialogue is the main combat mechanic. To avoid over-complicating things, defending is simply reading the dialogue that appears on the screen until a battle instance of dialogue appears.

Defending 1:
(Reading, NPC Dialogue)
Reading will appear as copywriting in a visual novel format.
There is a % chance that the player mishears a Dialogue,
Therein glitching out words, or later their replies.
Player is given a Defending timer that accounts for enough time to read all dialogue options.
If the timer expires, Player replies with silence "..."

Second Chance:
In exchange for resources, the player may acquire a Second Chance Timer for Defending the same instance. It rewinds time for them.
Otherwise, most of the time, this is an auto-failure and loss of turn.
However, sometimes silence can be effective.

Attacking 1:
(Replying, Player Dialogue Selection)

Replys will appear as copywriting, and will range from full sentences that move the Plot, to simply "Flirt" or "Chat" or "Emoji"
Conditions of replying are determined by:
Selecting the multiple-choice Reply for that NPC with the highest success rate.

Attacking 2:
(Replying, Player Personality Order)
In some instances;
The player must select the personality stance or skill they wish to take going into the Attack phase; Aloof Intimidating, Interrogate, or Joke with their opponent.
Which may improve or deteriorate their success and outcomes.

Attacking 3:
(Replying, Player Emotional Expression)
In some instances;
The player must Select an Emotional Expression from your Facial Skilltree : Zeal / Joy / Trust /Shock / Fear / Sorrow / Disgust / Anger / + New Emotional Skills

Which will visually change the expression on the player model character.
Which may improve or deteriorate their success and outcomes.

The winning move is to have the correct reply, correct personality, and correct emotional expression. They all contribute %'s to the chance of success. (Later on we will upgrade this to include body language with simple animations (posture, arm movement, foot tapping, etc.)

Attacking 4 ...?

Alternate Physics game of Pachinco where the player plays as a sperm swimming through a reddish microscopic area, gaining power ups and dodging various hazards to execute the selected Emotion.


Winning advances the dialogue

Winning can unlock new features

Wins are determined by:

The % chance that the reply is successful

The buff or nerf % from Personality Order

The buff or nerf % from Emotional Expression

High Chance example:

Reply = 54% chance of success.

If Emotion = Joy, Trust, Zeal = +36%

If Emotion = Shock, Fear = +12%

If Emotion = Anger, Disgust = -100%

Most Optimized RNG chance: +90%


Losing ends the dialogue prematurely. Usually with some form of "..." by the replying NPC.

Losses are determined by:

The % chance that the reply is unsuccessful

The buff or nerf % from Personality Order

The buff or nerf % from Emotional Expression

Low Chance example:

Reply = 9% chance of success.

If Emotion = Joy, Trust, Zeal = -100%

If Emotion = Shock, Fear = +9%

If Emotion = Anger, Disgust = +18%

Most Optimized RNG chance: +27%


For those following our evolution, the groundwork for this system was laid around three years ago; these images may ring a bell. I've revisited the design, and I can see how to make a unique, enjoyable, and rewarding dialogue battle system using our simulation mechanics that we spent this past year developing. I've shared my second and third drafts with our team, and we agree that once again we will be redefining the genre with this immersive battle system in my designs. I look forward to visualizing the concepts further when I return.

Exciting times ahead. I will see you... in ~2 weeks.

Warm regards,



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