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Dear Partners,

A new update is available.


+ Saliva Strings
+ Fixed a visual bug for the male and female hairlines
+ Fixed a visual bug for the male and female headshapes (pronounced brow vs soft brow)
+ Fixed an issue involving sweat drops for stamina/instinct.
+ Improved the X-pen timing minigame physics, making it accessible across different hardness settings and positions.

+ Resolving an issue where freezing occurs during load in.


We've introduced spit strings this week. I was replaying SDT recently, our original reference material for our project, and I noticed a couple things that we could add in to enhance the visual quality of our simulation. The result is quite impressive.

Thank you for your continued support, our game looks better every day.

Warm regards,




SDT, what a classic by Konashion. Since the later releases im having issues with the auto animation, its not hitting the right positions.


Hello, we noticed this as well and made some significant changes to the automation to better accommodate the desync in 0.5.5. Are you still having this issue in the latest version? If you equip the dong with the maximum hardness, this problem usually is completely mitigated. But if the problem persists than please send us a video of your experience on discord and we will fix that up https://discord.gg/FSNdJrNwPH