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About to rename the game to "The Cumzone"

Why didn't I think of this before?




True... True. But you need to understand that our need for quality engagement (like this right here) & a following outside of Patreon is absolutely critical to our success. As you know, I am a Triple XXX Gaming Genius, & the engineering side of things comes naturally... EZ. Where we have been stolen from & struggled the most from the start, is social media. But that's about to change. We only had 600 followers on Twitter since S3 ended, today we have almost 1.2k. Appreciate you guys being here


bro when i found you you had like 100 followers. the growth is insane. your work will prove itself. undertow has a active community aswell you might want to get posting in there. the original superdeep throat forum. but they got everything. cant wait for a demo. dont you ever give up cause this is going to change the industry