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X-Ray Mode

+ X-Ray Mode
+ Access Point for Isometric Town Testing.

We’ve reached a significant milestone in developing the First-Person Perspective (FPP) head.

Facial Expressions: Expanding Emotional Range

As a reminder, the FPP head features eight distinct emotions for the Eyes, Eyebrows, and Mouth, just like in the parallel-facing view. Lately, we’ve been focusing on drafting each of the mouth expressions:

  • "O" Mouths: 8 variations for blowjob phases

  • "A" Mouths: 8 variations (agape/open)

  • "X" Mouths: 8 variations (closed)

  • "P" Mouths: 8 variations (puckered)

  • "T" Mouths: 8 variations (teeth-bearing)

  • "E" Mouths: 8 variations (ecstasy, an intensified "A" expression)

  • "V" Mouths: 8 variations (vacuum fellatio, an enhanced "O")

While this system might seem similar to 2Dlive, it’s important to note that our work is entirely built from the ground up using our own fantasy physics technology, allowing us to push creative boundaries without limitations.

Slime Girl attempt & X-Ray Mode discovery

In other news, we attempted to integrate a "Slime" eugenic into the game. Despite our best efforts, the limitations of current masking technology and the necessary artistic compromises were too significant. However, this experimentation led to the discovery of an X-ray feature, which we’ve successfully incorporated into the game. This can be accepted by our Golden Guys through the Dev UI menu, look for X-Ray Mode;

Looking Ahead...

After the FPP head, I think a Waxing Head is on the horizon, where the face is angled at 45 degree facing the camera, this will add another layer of perspective and richness to our fantasy physic scenes as well as an ability to seamlessly rotate full 180 degrees.

Isometric World: Looting and Pouches

Looting and pouches are now fully functional in the isometric overworld. You can search interactable objects and loot items directly into your pouch, adding a new layer of interaction to the game.

Isometric World: Dynamic Shadows

We’ve introduced dynamic shadows by implementing multiple lighting sources and custom shaders. The models now stay brightly lit while casting realistic shadows, adding depth and realism to the environment.

Exclusive Preview:
We have added an access point for our isometric testing area, i'm not sure where that is yet because it's planned for later and i'm up at 5am writing this, but our guys will handle the push in the morning.

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That's all for now!

⬤ ⬤ ⬤
Warm Regards,
+ Balls



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