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Unless if you're here next month, in which case it's actually June. 

In the attachment you will find the final coloured version, the line art, and also the original sketch I did if you want to see how this changed from start to finish! I don't think this one is super exciting but I wanted to share it nonetheless.





I like the picture. It is well done. The shading is great. I have not used an AI, but i wonder if an AI could take the drawing in this post and fill it in to be more 3d and separate the items into the body and different clothing. These could be stacked like in GIMP so one could exchange clothing in the future.


Really pleased you like the picture. I actually know very little about AI stuff, I have a few friends who are trying it and explaining some things to me so I don't claim to be any authority on the matter. However, what I have been told is that currently AI can't do layers, and it can't really separate items in a visual sense like we (humans) can, which I find a bit confusing.