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It's hard for me to explain my gratitude for the support you have all given here, I have been humbled by every contribution be it large or small, long or short. My hope is that you will continue to support me, and that you find my methods fair and deserving, and that I can continue to make pictures you enjoy.

Establishing myself on this platform has helped me in a number of ways, for example I feel compelled to deliver content on some sort of schedule, and I think the newfound aim of consistent content delivery has been not only helpful, but also attainable for me. However, I am mindful that there may be more I can do, as this platform is still even after a good portion of a year quite new and unexplored for me. I want to do more for those of you who choose to support me, but I want to maintain a healthy approach and personal expectation of my work. Some of you may or may not be aware I face particular physical challenges which whilst aren't unique, may not be typical of your average artist.

Consequently, in the coming year I will be looking at trialing some extended privileges to patrons, as I want you to know your support is immensely valued, but ultimately, I do wish to continue delivering work I enjoy to the public as I do currently, always have, and hopefully always will.

Thank you for reading and have a happy new year.



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