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I want to start this message by expressing my sincere thanks to all of you. Your patience and support have been fundamental to me.

Sometimes I would like to just bring the rewards faster, as many of you know I have a full time job and a family which sometimes makes it difficult to spend as many hours as I would like on my art. I face daily challenges to balance all my responsibilities, but I want you to know that I am committed to continuing to do my best and I want to assure you that every piece of art I produce carries my heart and soul. Your continued trust and support mean the world to me, and I greatly appreciate your understanding at this time.

I want to reaffirm my commitment to provide you with the best possible quality in each of the rewards. Despite the difficulties, I always try to overcome my own limitations and improve my artistic skills, your contributions and financial support are essential so that I can continue dedicating time and effort to my art.

Once again, thank you for your patience, understanding and loyalty. I appreciate each one of you and I will do my best to continue offering the quality you deserve.

Finally, any questions or suggestions let me know : )

Best regards



Joseph Janeczek

Breaking down the wall and keeping communication open is why I tend to stick around with artists, and ya know, the art is also pretty 🙏.


I’m understand where you’re coming from and I respect that and keep up the great work also don’t forget to take care yourself and family ☺️