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Hey Patreon!

A belated Happy New Year to you!

Let's make it a great one, okay? 

So, what’s 2023 look like for me?

The biggest news, so far, is that I’ll be returning to conventions! The first I’ll be attending is EMERALD CITY COMIC CON (March 2-5) in Seattle. One of my favorite conventions! I’m still working out my supplies, but I’ll have a few new prints with me, and maybe some old favorites. 

On that note: Is there anything you’d like to see from me? I’m thinking of putting together a little art book to sell. I don’t think I have an urge to dive into pins or anything like that just yet, but maybe that’s something to check out in the future. (Oh...wait. Nightcrawler Pins, anyone?)

I’m not sure what other conventions I'll be attending, but NYCC is one I love doing, so that’s probably one. Maybe I’ll check out Flamecon this year? Those two tend to land pretty close together though. (The C2E2/ECCC conundrum!)

What about you? What conventions are your favorite to attend or work? Let me know what’s good! :)

Last thing, and I know this was a short newsletter, but I’d like to share the cover art for issue 5 of BEHOLD, BEHEMOTH.


Gah! I've loved working on every cover for this book. I've missed painting!

Anywho, I hope you've all had a wonderful first day of the year! I'll be back with some new stuff soon.

Thanks for reading and supporting!



Andy and Lauren

An art book would be amazing! Also, we are hoping to attend Convergence, so I gotta vote for that 💖💖💖

Devin DiMattia

Me and my comedy troupe will be performing at the four Galaxycons happening this year (Richmond, Raleigh, Austin and Columbus)! Let me know if you're interested in coming to any of those.