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Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for checking out my Patreon! 

For now I plan to keep things very low-maintenance so I can see how running a Patreon works while I have a steady gig. (THE DREAMING: Waking Hours is my current DC project!) In the future I’m going to explore doing some livestreams and recordings. I used to do those A LOT and I miss hanging out, chatting with people while I draw! 

Maybe I could explore offering some art advice, or “redline” feedback? Suggestions are very welcome here. We’ll figure this out as we go along!

Again, thank you for checking this place out!



Jill Johnson

Aw! Yay. I’m so glad to support you! Love your art so so much!


My advice is to not add too much to your plate especially since you are working. Offer things that come naturally to you. Worry about extra services when you have gaps between work or just more time on your hands. You can make them exclusive limited time things even! Your $5 tier is pretty solid atm! I would keep things this simple for awhile. :)


Art is life for me sooo happy to help support in anyway I can 🌻



Kibble the Satyr

Pumped to be able to directly support you on here! 👍


First patreon I get, I just love your work so much!! Excited to see what comes through. Congrats on Sandman, I was loving the book before and now its just perfect!!

Archie Nash

I think it would be very cool to see post about your usual art process!


I would love it if you could share art advice! I love your B/W lineart drawings a lot, I often wonder if there's something you consider while inking/texturing the way you do.