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Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your trust.
Thank you for making this journey a worthy year of life.

Thank you.

This Patreon will get discontinued until undefined.

Always and forever grateful,
- Raith




Always remember that people will be around you. Even you cannot see, they will be, until you finally realize it. Farewell is not the end, it's a sign of beginning of another journey of your life. Take care of yourself and always be yourself, until we meet again. I will be patiently waiting, even our future is undefined.


thank you so much for sharing your work with us. best wishes and good luck on all your future endeavors!

Christian Ne0L1nk

oh nuuu that's sad :< you take care please please and stay save, thanks for everything ♥ *sends hugs*


Well that's... sudden and saddening. Must be quite serious if you're not explaining the cause of this unexpected change. I hope it's something that can be solved and that you are able to return to your accounts. Fuck, even the animation is heart-wrenching, Tobi's shaking as he's holding the sign. Don't be afraid to reach out, there are many people here and on FA that care for your wellbeing.


I don't know what's going on, and it's clear that whatever is, isn't to be shared, however I just hope that you do continue to be safe. I really hope that, with the vagueness of this, it's not what I fear it could be, please do take your time and try to work through things. I know things can be rough, and sometimes they get the better of us, but all that needs to be done is to work through it at your own pace. Take as much time as you need, and we'll always welcome you back with open arms, should you decide to return



龙 银

very sorry to see you're not doing well, best wishes