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Hello Legends!

Hope you're all doing great!

So I've worked non-stop for the past 2 weeks on those two commissions I talked about in the last post so I figured I took the chance to spend a very nice week-end away from Blender before getting to work on the actual animation you voted.

So I did! It was crazy funny and relaxing, I even caught a cold... -.-

But when I got back working, this morning, I was shocked!

First of all we reached 5k on Twitter! We're almost at 5.2k which means that it increased by almost 20% in the matter of a few days... Insane.

Then, 28 new Patrons joined the squad. 28!
Like... Hello? OwO

I don't really know how to express my immense gratitude...
Every single one of you has my deepest respect, my love and thanks for making this possible, new ones and veterans.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart... ~ 

Now... let's talk business!

I've been working on the Poll Animation for a few hours now and, strangely enough, things are going rather smoothly.
My current plan is to create a multiple scene animation, maybe with smooth transitions, which is a goal and a half.
I've got 10 days till the end of March, plus a couple days while I prepare the April Poll, so it should be good, but let's not say it too loud.

I also got a help of a few friends I've met in this journey that should make tedious things a breeze. I'll be sure to credit them properly in case I need their help!

Another thing I want to talk about is the format I've followed for this month.
Like I said in the previous post, I needed a few more bucks since lately I've been struggling with my financial situation, so I opened a few commission slots which took about 10 days in total to finish.
Those were made public on FA for a few reason, the main one being I was in a rush and also stupid.
Next month I'll open 2 more slots, maybe 3, that you guys will be able to reserve before being opened to the public.
Those wil have a cost of their own which I evaluated with a few other 3D and 2D artists, based on quality and time invested.
Patrons will be able to have a discount which I will reveal along with the opening of the slots.
Those works will be made public!

Then there's the Poll Animation which you'll be able to vote for with a new mosaic-style I've been wanted to try for a long time now.
This will be reserved for Patrons only, it will not be made public, and it will always include a climax scene!

As always... you can leave a comment with your opinion about everything, or even PM me to talk about anything you like or don't like.
I'll consider
every idea and try my best to find a meeting point between all of them.

Thank you for your attention, that should be it!

Stay safe, stay happy, stay awesome!


- Raith


Ishtaryl (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 08:23:01 That's good to hear <3
2023-03-21 06:04:21 That's good to hear <3

That's good to hear <3