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And just like this, our first poll has officially come to a conclusion.

The winner is...


And short by a few votes, on second place we have...


Which I definitely mispelled up to this point. The dots got me.

Something tells me you really wanted to see how things went on with these two from their last animation. 👀

So that's settled:
The next animation will be Fatality Scene #2, with these two lovely dragon!

Thank you everyone for participating!

This format surely makes my life easier but, as always, you can express your opinion in the comments below or in PMs.

A few more notes:

While the poll was up I took the chance to accept a couple commission slots since this month was a bit rough on me and... put it straight... I needed a few more coins, like, instantly.

I really do apologize for not sharing the post on Patreon, it was a first timer, I was in a rush and also a bit scared... TwT
I'll make sure you'll be the first to know about the upcoming slots!

The point is that I'll be finishing those two requests first, which will be posted here and also publicly.
Time wise I'd say a week from now should be enough if I'm willing to melt my spine and social life. ~ 💖

I'm sure you will love them, especially since one of these actually involves a Fatalis!
Plus it's three animation in the span of a couple weeks. 👀

So yeah, that's it, I think I've said anything I wanted to say.
With he power of Edit Mode you will never know!

Now for the most important part..,

Thank you so much for your support, you definitely are one of a kind community...
I love each one of you and I can't stress enough how lucky I am to be where I stand now... Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

Stay cool, stay safe, stay awesome!



Can't wait to see what these two will be up to !