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Hello everyone.

Here is a bit of an update after a very long time;
sorry in advance for the absence of edits, indentation, capitalisations, it'll probably be one big sad wall of text...
I'm really sorry I couldn't be productive for so long and although I must admit it was partially my fault being dodgy, many big things came up, one after another, things that couldn't be taken easily or ignored.

I'm pretty worn out as of now...

I won't bother all of you with what actually happened, but to those who rightly need an explanation I invite you to check on me on Telegram.


One more thing:
I'll totally get your position, based on my long silence.
I'll understand and support whatever decision you'll make, whether you wish to leave or stay for another round and see how things goes.

Unfortunately my expenses were so incredibly high this month...
As much as I wish to, I cannot afford a free month... even if it comes down to a few of you staying...
It'a sad truth, and I'll assure you, me and my unreliable word, that I will eventually make it up to you.

I still got lots of projects I wish to complete, big, juicy, sexy monsters doing monster things, and they will do them, I'll make them!

... but I need a moment more to catch my breath.

I don't know what else to say, at least I've got you, or those of you who remains through this.

- Raith



Honestly, I’m not here for your art so much as to support you. I can do much more than I already am, but you are worth it. Take your time getting through the things you need to. I’ll still be here supporting you this way. Every time you upload is simply a delightful surprise!


I will support you no matter what. <3