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Another week comes to an end!

And boy, oh boy this is a special one... 

...because we reached our Second Goal! ~ πŸ’“

You guys are legends.. I really mean it. 

You made this possible... 

Every single one of you gets my eternal gratitude and the promise that I will try my best to keep this going!


I have so many things backed up.
I'm still working on the rewards of our first goal when suddenly we reached the second one... 

So here's the deal:

Whoever's interested in following my work, I've prepared a very basic Trello, filled with stuff I'm working on aswell as future projects, so you can jump in, look at what I'm currently working on, drop out and... possibly not regret it!

As of now it's, like, written for babies. I'll keep it updated. But yeah... here you go:



There are a couple things I want to talk about.

I want to let you know that I'm polishing most of my previous animations and arranging a few things for the future, mainly quality of life stuff like Render Farms, a new little Set, and a very basic Office where I can isolate myself and focus, aswell as many other things like a Visibility Plan, Sound and a couple courses on Cinematography and Photo Editing (both from a close friend of mine, Hollywood's a bit out of budget...).

That said...

Planning alone isn't enough. I've refined a few animations this week, mainly Paw stuff (~ πŸ’“).

- Rathalos' Footjob scene has now improved expression and body language, aswell as a better cum simulation and material.

- A Pinned Viper has a new POV scene and a new section for the Scenes!

Check them out! ~πŸ”₯

Lastly, but not leastly... (⁉)

My stuff got uploaded on a Piracy Site.

I don't really want to talk about that.

Let's just say I respect the Intent, I understand the Reasons... but it is damaging me and other people.

For this, I've requested directly to take down my stuff.

I don't have much faith in it going smoothly, but before I wrap my head around what to do, I need to wait until the end of next week.

If this issue will not be solved by that time, I'll be forced to do some changes.

We'll talk about that when, and if, the time comes!

And... it's all!

Unfortunately I've resulted positive to Covid-19 so I'll not spend my week-end in the most relaxing or fun way...

I'll pray for every single one of you to have the best one you've ever had! 

Be safe, be crazy, be awesome!


- Raith



As for this leak, I hope it will be resolved smoothly, and wish you will not be discouraged and keep your current job. and also hope everything goes smoothly as you planned.


you gonna do more watersports related stuff soon? still wish the best of luck to you


Aw... Thank you! ~ πŸ’“ Yes, there are plans for that! It's not the most requested of kinks as of now, but I'll try to sneak it in! 😘


You have grown really fast. But you can see that the community has a great demand for MHW animations. In the past, really talented 3d artists have disappeared and created a hole. And out of nowhere someone comes along and makes really great stuff. I'm really glad that you exist also because I hardly have time to create animations myself. Please keep it up Raith!

Christian Ne0L1nk

omg so much text xD but first, yay and congrats β™₯ happy to hear you got much support :3 and even that fast as well~ and second before I forget it to write, sorry to hear you are positiv :< so please take your time with everything, you get well first, everything else comes later β™₯ and yeha, sorry to hear about that kemomo thing ... never heard about that before. I know about one other thing, which did the same thing, but I think the whole side was taken down by now ... and third ... uh ... yeah, plans sound great xD good luck with it too β™₯


I feel what you are saying. "History has been made, now it's time for kings to rest." I really, really want to do this and I have zero intentions in disappearing. So hopefully everything goes for the best, and I'll be able to keep doing this! Especially with such a great support... I couldn't ask for better... Thank you! ~ πŸ’•


Yeah sorry about the length, I felt like I needed to explain a bunch of things. Thank you! ~ πŸ’• I'll get better in no time! Luckly Covid-19 is not so powerful this time around, it's just a combination of annoying symptoms but nothing really dangerous. Yeah, it's insane how fast we grew... I'm still trying to keep up with it. I really hope I can grow as fast as all of you!

Christian Ne0L1nk

hahah it's fine, don't you worry xD I know that too well, some things just need to be said ... and if there are a lot of things, well, a lot of things need to be said xD and ah, very glad to hear it didn't hit you so hard :3 nawww you will β™₯ just don't rush it please, take your time~ all good things need a while after all :3


Huzzah for the milestone! The furry 3D animator's marketplace is a competitive one, glad you've found a sustainable niche within it. You've got a way with the MH models that few can match! It's encouraging to hear your plans for both IRL spaces and your knowledge base. You're great with angles/timing/posing so far, but perhaps with even more know-how they'll improve even more. Perhaps even to longer animations with short plots? I saw the outline in trello for the Safi x Fatalis, that would certainly take some planning. Thanks for updating those animations! The new PoV for Pinned Viper is deliciously sexy, facing down a cannon like that~ The new fluids for Rathalos are ppretty dang impressive too, they're actually appropriately sticky and thick. You may want to make a Patron-only post with the links again if you really want people to see them though, I don't know how many will look through the older posts just for those. I almost posted them myself before realizing this was a public post. Unfortunately piracy is somewhat inevitable as one grows in popularity; a new subscriber going through the old posts and saving copies for their personal use looks exactly like a pirate making a collection. The silver lining is that kemono party is clunky as fuck to use unless you know exactly who you're looking for, and even then it's painful to open each post. Other places have the ability to just make a torrent of the collection, much simpler than clicking around for an hour. It's also sad that a piracy site has a much more effective list of NSFW creators than GumRoad has for themselves! Hopefully kemono responds to your DMCA, it's encouraging that they at least have a process for it. You may want to remove the link to their website in the meantime, no point giving them more advertisement. Anyway, thanks for updating, looking forward to future works!


3D Animations is an extremely large topic. I'm barely scratching the surface as of now, playing around with basic stuffs. I really want to make the most out of it, even if it means just shifting the camera a bit or dim a light. I'm glad you like the new animations! I know it's far from perfect, but I'm slowly understanding Realflow and improving the simulations bit by bit. I'll do what I can to prevent piracy. Not just for me but because I believe it's also an insult to you. Kemono had a DMCA to allow creators to do take down requests, whether is for good will or to avoid penal is not for us to know. All we need to do now is wait and hope. Also... Thank you! ~ πŸ’• Next week should be easier on me since I planned most of the things already. I'll update you in a few days!


I don't think that pairs too well with ferals in its most extensive meaning. If I ever manage to work on something that screams out to that, I will implement it and properly flag it.


I sincerely hope that the leak of the work did not discourage you. You are a talented artist,so,good luck with your future plans! And hope you get well soon


The support I'm getting from every single one of you is so great it fills me with encouragement every single day. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! ~πŸ’• I still have a little fever and cough, but nothing really dangerous or debilitating. Annoyngly enough though I don't feel smells and tastes. I'll get better soon, in the meanwhile I'm doing less mind work and more tedious and repetitive stuff like rigging new creatures, creating environments, set up a few nodes and other boring stuff.