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Hello folks! 

I'm thinking about doing our Patreon Live Stream This Coming Friday 9/23/2022 at 3:30/4:00pm EST. 

I recognize due to Time Zones that we often can't get ALL patrons here simply because it is impossible. So, Vod will be unlisted, available to you. Posted here and in the Discord (Which is where the predominant communication with me occurs btw but I do try to keep up with things here) 

Tosca Patrons: Please list one song each you would like for me to cover during the live. This live will go 2 hours Max. Since these are monthly, I'm not horribly worried about missing some songs because we can always do it next month. 

The structure of this live will be very regimented - I will go down the list and actively talk about the piece as if I was recording a video. Impressions, thoughts, feelings that come up. Obviously there will be discussion in the chat. I want to hold space for these songs. 

Speaking of Song Suggestions - I'm thinking of switching to a bi-monthly song suggestion system. Instead of every month adding more songs (thus making the backlog longer - pics attached) we alternate months. Open to thoughts on that. The original idea was to have the suggestions be 2 per quarter. I inevitably want to get all the suggestions on the channel and am trying to take some of the pressure off to do that. 

List your suggestions for the live here! And your thoughts on Bi monthly suggestions rather than monthly! 

Also those of you whose songs I haven't listened to on the channel. Please do not worry. I am actively going back and making sure that I cover at least two in future videos from past suggestion threads. I do not want you to feel left out. 



Kevin Shi

Last minute Suggestions One from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Song Name: A Formidable Enemy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc5tbkh7ehc) This song plays anytime you fight an elite enemy (a stronger version of a regular enemy. but weaker than a unique boss), one of the more memorable monster themes as of late. I wanted to hear your thoughts on the composition of this theme.


My suggestion is heitors of arcadia from fire emblem echoes: shadows of valentia. https://youtu.be/l4irgZg-Wv0 Contex: after slaying the fell god duma he entrust you with the future of his people and warns you to no commit the same mistake that he an his sister(the earth moder) mila did, the song begins after that, revealing the fate of the Heroes that help you, changing some of them if their friend or loved ones die before the end.