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Absolutely gorgeous. I haven't really seen big compositions from you before but this is great. I just love zooming in. I'm no expert so my only constructive criticism is Meiling maybe standing out a bit too much from the background? I can tell its a collage but there's some jarring artistic discrepancy going on between her and the rest of the characters.


Yes, I'm very rare drawing something like this and it's always hard for me to cope with the composition thing.. And you're right, she (oh, it's Kasen Ibaraki but anyways) really stands out, I think I should have drawn her lines using pencils and scan it as I always do. But I decided to redraw her head via digital lines only. ><


Oh.. that's embarrassing. Looks like we both have something to work on. I really do look forward to more compositions like this in the future. Your characters have always been extremely cute and a proper background / setting really brings them to life!


Wooww this looks so awesome its perfect for a profile banner! 😂❤


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/87-464tSNz9km8Si62YByqqnSczzRji-Lmr7j8MZYwdOQmydxsCl40YKrlPObcuu.jpg?token-time=1700006400&token-hash=KevLYRgJ9YHBmIdyMB5gYgI-xSJsMrGfrwNS3ZNMMF0%3D">