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Was thinking about opening a couple sketch  (not fully rendered) commissions slots exclusively to my patrons in early/mid January .

I would draw any characters/ ocs, portraits up to full body doesn't matter, nsfw and sfw are okay and only 1 character

It would cost 20€ upfront via PayPal only

+5€ for flat colors with blush and some hair refelections

Keep in mind that I will need few (more the better) references for the character itself, and poses and anything u want to add.

So before I start advertising my services I would like to know if anyone would be interested in this. I just want to know if theres more than 5 ppl who would want to commission me.

Again these are only sketches as seen here before, nothing fully rendered

They wont be posted anywhere btw. ur free to post them however



Potential Havoc

Would you entertain the idea of sharing it with other patrons if the commissioner requests it?


I forgot to ask you yesterday since you said you are not going to post them anywhere. Are we allowed to post them ?