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I've had a busy and productive day today. I've been working on the game pretty much non-stop for about 10 hours. And it was enough time to finalize the new Version release and give it a quick couple of tests to ensure the changes didn't break anything. (They did, of course, but I caught the problems.)

Here's a quick summary of what's different in V1.5.2:

Added "Info" menu option to check wife's breast size and mood, as well as current inventory items

Changed left/right and near/far descriptors to cardinal directions for clarity

Made minor text alterations to ensure dialogue accurately reflects game state

Other minor bug/typo fixes

And here's the money shot (also, the link): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rtfzxw4ofc8ii6dxywute/EtEM1.5.2.html?rlkey=ieuez5xpj1xyznn656hegg7g4&dl=0



Ahhh! I was hoping for an info tab!


Happy to deliver! It's not much, but it at least makes things a bit more player friendly.

Cory Welsh

Info tab is a great idea.