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Well, I lost a couple days due to some seasonal illness that snuck up on me. I still can't breathe through half my face...

That said, I've spent the other days this week hard at work on the SEVENTEEN wishes. So far, I've finished the five simplest wish sequences, as well as most of one of the trickier ones.

I've also been having to go back and tweak some code in older areas in order to integrate what I'm calling the "Epilogue Wishes." These are a few wishes that will have no immediate effect on the game, but will lead to a "THE END?" when you get a non-bad ending. This will be a clickable link that will take you to a fun epilogue sequence that lays out the consequences of the wishes. Needless to say, that means a lot of work to implement.

As the scope of this update keeps creeping upward and there've been a few IRL delays, I've decided to do something different for the release this time. I will be releasing V1.5.0 after I finish the initial work and do a QUICK few test runs to ensure the bulk of the new content is at least up and running as intended. That means that you guys will likely run into plenty of small bugs or even a few game-breaking ones that I miss in those initial runs. However, I will then spend the following 1-2 weeks doing lots more testing and debugging with the intent of pushing out a V1.5.1 as fast as possible to address the less obvious flaws.

I hope this plan works for everyone. I just want to get this new update into your hands as soon as possible, and this seems to be the best solution. If you don't want to feel like a guinea pig for a buggy release, then feel free to wait for the following update to jump in. The early release won't delay the debugged version at all.

Thanks again to all of you guys for your patience. We're getting closer with every day! Just a couple weeks to go!

Happy winter holiday of choice to you all!



Just be careful not to burn yourself out. Content creep has destroyed many a game! No shame in rolling back the goalposts a bit for sake of the creator's sanity.


Appreciate the concern. I'm all too familiar with burnout from some other hobbies I've had in the past. I'm being very careful to keep this project reigned in as much as possible while also not being afraid to just go with what seems fun or interesting.


Good deal. I feel it worthwhile pointing out now and then, when the ever-hungry masses demand more more more


It's certainly worth keeping in mind. Thankfully, most of the creep here is from me having new ideas to throw in. I've welcomed input from Patrons where applicable, but the overall scope of the game has been set in stone pretty much from the initial demo. New sequences have been thrown in, but I'm not adding on whole areas or anything I didn't plan for. All the biggest ideas are put in the pile for future games in order to keep this one on track.