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Alright, patrons! Here's your chance to have your dreams (or at least funhouse mirror twists on what you think your dreams are) come true in the game. You've just managed to summon up a Carnal Pleasure Devil in this crazy (not actually all that) abandoned manor, and you can sign a binding contract using your soul as collateral in exchange for one single wish.

What do you wish for?

I've already got several plot-relevant wishes planned, but I will also be including a few alternatives that lead to some fun scenes and several different endings. But, I'd also like to know your ideas for wishes. I can't promise I'll include them, as some things will require a ton more work to integrate into the rest of the game, but I want to use any that I can. The best ones are those that can trigger a new ending to the game, as it'll be mostly prose work with minimal coding or changes elsewhere.

I'll be watching this post for the week, so be sure to comment below with your wishes. I'll see which ones I can make come true in Version 1.5.0!



What about a wish where all women loved the idea of their boobs getting bigger? I think there is a certain combination of choices which makes the wife not want to grow right? Perhaps get a special scene where she suddenly is cool with the idea after the wish.


I'd really think a funny scenario to unfold is wishing so that your wife's wish cannot be twisted in any sort of ironic genie kind of ways. Then when trying to get her to focus up leads to her saying something to the effect of "sorry, babe. They're very distracting. I really wish you'd be able to feel how great it is to grow as a lady, too." Just for the silly of the player character trying to be genre savvy enough to make sure that your wife can be assured to solve everything only for her to mention something that transforms the main character into a lady as a sort of "great, now we've spent both of our soul-wishes on-" *gets hit by raygun* kind of beat.