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It was a very productive week, and I was able to squeak out the finishing touches on Version 1.4.0. The new content was much more limited this time, so debugging went much faster.

What you can expect this time:

1 New Expansion Sequence

1 New Room to Explore (plus another hallway)

1 New Hidden Event

Thanks as always to you guys for helping me make this game a reality. I truly do appreciate the support so much!

Now, here's your smut: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/o90appwh5crbnlgqflqkj/EtEM1.4.0.html?rlkey=5lw9qsz7j3sjclqq3ezxzrq5d&dl=0


Erik Dehne

what are these certain circumstances or at least how do you get to these said circumstances?


Spoilers follow, so if someone doesn't want to know, stop reading this comment now. You need to move from the downstairs foyer to the left hallway or vice versa, while the wife is wearing the anti-gravity bra. It triggers randomly, but becomes more likely the more times you move between those areas.


Just in time for Halloween!