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Alright everyone!

It ended up taking a bit longer than I originally hoped, but I've added quite a bit into the game for this update. I'm not going to say that this version is bug free, but I've run through plenty of times and I've addressed everything I've found. If you find anything weird, don't hesitate to let me know via the bug report form here: https://forms.gle/MHVc3x492VBPnB3M6

In version 1.2.0, you can expect:

2 New Rooms to Explore

1 New Character to Meet

2 New Wife Expansion Sequences (You may have to work a bit to find these >:])

2 New Lactation/"Lactation" Sequences

1 New Item that may be Useful

Buttloads of Lore

+More stuff that will only be accessible after future updates

Anyway, here's the new version. Enjoy:



Komrade Heavy

Quick question: what will the next area be?


I enjoyed the lore book, though the conservatory was probably my favorite sequence by far (and not just for the "action") . I look forward to returning to the room. Keep up the great work!


Hey thanks so much for the feedback and kind words! It's always great to get some insight into what people are enjoying most about the game. I can say that the coming updates will include at least one more reason to revisit the Conservatory, so watch out for that. It'll be gradually added in the next few.