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Alright, here we go! It took a good bit of debugging today to get this ready for release, but I've gotten to a point that I no longer encounter bugs when I run through any path. That said, I'm certain I haven't tried some less obvious sequences, so it's entirely possible there are some bugs hiding in it still, but the average run through should be squeaky clean.

With the results of the poll in, I've decided that each Patreon release will remain exclusive to $3 Patrons for 6 weeks. At that point, the version will get a public release on itch.io. So 1.1.0 is all yours for a full 42 days! I hope you enjoy it.

Please, feel free to comment on this post with any feedback you may wish to share. That could include bugs, typos, things you want more of, things you think were less good. Please share it all. I can't promise I'll incorporate all feedback, but I will consider Patron feedback a bit higher priority than other feedback.

Seriously, thanks for the support. My Patrons make this possible.

Anyway, here's the link to download 1.1.0:


Just download the file and open it with your browser of choice!

I'm going to take a breather through the middle of the week and enjoy the holiday (Happy 4th to all my American Patrons!).

Expect the usual updates to resume around Thursday.


Erik Dehne

is the code in the game yet or nah for the keypad


The code is not yet revealed in the game. Technically, a few codes have been programmed in, but the area to discover them is not yet finished.