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Today was my second "breather" day after publishing the demo, so no direct writing/coding on the game today.

However, that doesn't mean nothing got done. I've spent some time sketching up rough character art for a few not-yet-introduced characters to send to the artist I've commissioned.

I've already seen one piece of character art for Olga that is turning out pretty great. I'll be sharing some art here once it's finished

I've also spent some time today drawing up plans for the full manor layout, to get a concrete idea of which rooms are where.

So, yeah, pretty productive for a day off from the project.

I've got some medical things to attend to later in the week that will take away time from project work, but I don't expect to be tied up too much from that. And, if it goes well, I should have my serious issues from the past year completely done away with for the foreseeable future. Which is great for me, but also means more project time!


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