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Hey Everyone,

I know what you are thinking. Where the hell have you folks been these last couple of months. Yes, sadly we've been quiet recently as we have had so much going on behind the scenes that we just needed to take stock of the situation before we moved forward.

Basically, it's become financially very difficult for us to develop this game full time while also surviving in the real world with real bills and real commitments, so we had to take on some freelancing work (again) to cover us over the winter period which in turn delayed things a little bit with CyberpunkXXX.

One of us (Noah) also had a serious health scare that took a month to resolve and sadly he can no longer commit to any future development of the game.  He will be greatly missed to the team not only because of his skills but his enthusiasm and commitment to the project since its inception nearly 2 years ago.

We are saying this not because we are begging for anything or seeking sympathy as we are back on track now, we just want to be as transparent as possible during the whole dev cycle and fill you folks in with the details.

We luckily do have a fantastic Unreal Engine dev that we will be using on a freelance basis for the foreseeable future so thankfully this latest news will only be a hiccup in the grand scheme of things. The additional skillset will also allow us to include mechanics and content that we would have struggled with previously.

Good news? Yep...in spite of the drama over the winter period we will be releasing a big new dev release 0.0.2 next weekend. This will contain new missions, new characters, new weapons and new locations as well as the constant optimization we have to do with every release.

We will really endeavour to get the Discord channel popping with regular updates, vids, screenshots etc too but very importantly, this is a two way street. We need you folks to participate and get involved. Ask question, give suggestion and just hang out.

Anyway, as usual, we would love any feedback through our usual channels on Discord so get over there if you arenโ€™t already. All input is greatly appreciated.

The Cyberpunk Crew



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