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Heya, I just wanted to give some updates on the stuff I'm working on right now. First off, I've made a basic layout for the factory, which won the previous map poll. It's pretty empty right now, but I'm working on some interactive machines to make things more interesting.

I got conveyor belts working and I plan to set up a few throughout the level for automated feeding. There will also be some experimental products from the research lab for you to test out. Like the Recomblobulator for changing body shapes and the Deblobifier for squishing your body back to normal. (I figure it would be nice to have more interesting ways to transform the character rather than just clicking a button.)

I'm also continuing to refactor lots of messy code so I can add more options to the character customizer. Things tend to get sloppy when I'm prototyping. If I never went back and cleaned up the spaghetti code, it would be a nightmare to add more features to it. You can see what I mean in the before and after pic of this shader code that draws the character's eyes. It's tedious, but going well so expect a lot more options for character customization over the next build or two.




I like the overall design of the factory. Plus that conveyor belt system looks cool. Though, is it possible for the character to walk up the stairs?




It would be simple enough to allow the skinny version of the character to walk up there, but idk about the blobs. They have a hard time dealing with elevation changes, but maybe I'll work that issue out someday.