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Hey, remember when I said "the hard part was over" in my last WIP post? Well, I was horribly mistaken! Implementing the level up system turned out to be a way bigger task than I expected hence the delay. I had to tweak nearly every system in the game to account for all the weird fringe cases that cropped up during tests. I think they are all ironed out now, but I wouldn't be surprised if I missed a bug here or there. (so feel free to lmk if you run into any strangeness)

Anyway, I've divided up gaining weight into multiple levels or weight classes. The Weight Class menu (formerly Body Shape menu) can be used to keep track of your current weight class and your progress to the next one. Fill the bar to unlock the button for the next class and click it when you are ready to level up. Each weight class will take more feeding to fill the bar than the previous one. Once the bar is full, you won't gain anymore weight until you level up to the next class.

You can also press the Reset Weight Class button to reset your progress to the next weight class. Or click the Reset To Skinny button to go all the way back to the beginning. Additionally, I left the blob buttons in so you can skip ahead to blob size or any of the other blob shapes. These might be removed once I have a skinny-to-blob version for each blob shape or maybe they'll be relegated to a cheats menu.

In the long run, I plan to have multiple upgrade choices available for some of these weight classes instead of just one button every time. This would basically be the branching upgrade trees I mentioned before, allowing some body shape variance as you upgrade your way to an eventual blob shape.

I wanted to get the fat face/limbs option working for these in-between sizes, but it turns out that's going to be a big hassle and I didn't want to delay this build any longer. Hopefully that'll be working in the next one. I did manage to add a V-Sync option in the settings menu that will sync frame rate with your monitor's refresh rate. Hopefully this fixes the screen tearing issues some have been having.

That's all for now. Thanks for your patience with this one and feel free to share any feedback or ideas you have as I flesh this stuff out. Tbh, this update took a lot out of me, so I think the next one will be something much simpler so I can recover some sanity. Maybe a new map and some minor features or cosmetics. So keep an eye out for a poll in the near future. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy!






Honestly would love to add a inflation option (more a squishy round ball type though~) for food inflation fans, and levels or farting and burping for different sizes! Maybe even a pop option or the like, some kind of climatic finish if you overfeed and overstuff her too much too quickly...I mean, I would honestly pay to have those added~


Would it be possible to add window and aspect settings in the game soon? It’s stuck in a box window for me and can’t change it for some reason


Yes I'll try to add that in the next build. For now you can try the shortcut suggestion someone mentioned in the comments of this post.