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I know most people who celebrate Christmas are busy getting ready for Christmas right now or already spending time with family, so I’m waiting to post stuff till after Christmas for this month. I just wanted to thank you all for your support, and I hope everyone is getting through the holiday season without too much stress. I know for some people, the holidays can be pretty rough. Hopefully your holidays are filled with joy and remain low stress.

Before the pre-Christmas rush kicked in, I was focusing on The Blood of Life. I’ll be posting a new chapter from the book and a little silly short I came up with in a few days. I’ve been trying to work through some issues with the plot that developed when I deviated from the outline, and I think I’ve finally figured out how to do that. I can’t wait to share that when I get there.

Anyway, happy holidays, and I hope you all have a good rest of the year. I’ll also be posting an end of year recap around New Year’s Day.