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It’s a new year, and I want to thank each of you for your support on here. It’s meant a lot for me and really helped me out a lot. Having this outlet has been wonderful for me, so I must thank each of you for subscribing

During the pandemic, Patreon has been a lifeline for my writing because it requires me to keep content coming. It’s been a form of accountability I’ve done my best to answer to, and because of that, I always need to have something going on. A few times I’ve had to run older, obscure content so I’d have something, but it’s generally resulted in a new thing each month.

I do have two incomplete serials I need to get back to. It’s been a bit harder for me to do multi-month Patreon projects since things tend to come up. I want to finish both “Every Day is Monday” and the rewrite of “The Clockwork Wolf” this year, so I’ll be getting back to those soon. There has been a bit of a push and pull between writing for Patreon and working on my first novel, but I’m getting better at managing that.

Without Patreon though, I never would have sat down and written “Loving You is Wrong,” which won a Leo Literary Award last year. I wrote seven new stories in 2021 because of Patreon, and this alone has been a big achievement for me. I know they’re a little shorter than the stuff I wrote when I was writing primarily for anthologies, but the length of Patreon content has been going on. It’s helped me develop versatility in my storytelling. As a specific example of that, It’s also let me create the stories focused on gnoll lore I’m going to be collecting this year into a chapbook collection titled, “Gnoll Tales.” I wouldn’t have that content if not for Patreon.

Also, I’m launching my first novel, “Scars of the Golden Dancer,” this March at Fur the ‘More 2022, where I’ll be the guest of honor. While it’s not been a primary focus of the Patreon, I’m glad I’ve been able to share some of the behind the scenes work for that with you. I’m also pushing to release “Gnoll Tales” at that con, but I might hold that back to a later con this year. My goal for that is the equivalent of a chonky chapbook, and I’m debating exactly how much stuff I need for that. My focus the last two months has been finishing up the novel and getting that into print. Once I’m through that in the next two weeks, I’ll know how much time and energy I have for finishing “Gnoll Tales.”

I’ve got a third book also going into development that republishes some of older erotic stories currently being selected by my boyfriend. All three books will be released this year, and to do that, I’ve founded my own self-publishing imprint, Dancing Jackal Books. I wouldn’t be at this point without your support. I wouldn’t have written all this stuff without you. So, thank you, and I look forward to what 2022 is going to bring.


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