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I don't have a story for May this month since I’ve been so slammed working on novel edits to Scars of the Golden Dancer. I’ve been making a very concerted effort to get through notes from two beta reads I received, and it’s taking a lot of my energy in May, something that’s been lacking also due to some general life stuff also going on.

I’m really excited to finally get this book done. It’s taken me a lot of time, and I want to finally see it done. That doesn’t mean though I haven’t been thinking about what comes next. I’m going to be working on an outline for The Blood of Life, the vampire novella I’m wanting to write, at the ReRAWR  online writing retreat I’m doing in June, Last year I worked on novel edits for Scars of the Golden Dancer, and while I’m a bit behind on where I wanted to be with the latest round of edits, I’ll be through those before ReRAWR starts.

That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have some more content, and I feel bad I didn’t have time to write something new for May, even if it’s a quick 1,000 word piece. I still need to finish “Every Day is Monday” and figure out what to do with that story since I wrote myself into a little corner I need to sit down and work my way out of. There are just so many projects to do, and only one me to do them all. I was thinking of posting a reprint, but I went looking to see if I had any old half-finished things I could share.

Well, something did pop out of the stack that’s been sitting around, and it’s on my list to revise it soon. Plus, it fits into 4-5 decent sized chunks I can work on while doing more novel edits, so, without further ado, part 1 of, “The Clockwork Wolf.”


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