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I wanted to take a moment to give you an update on the novel and where things stand right now. I did submit the book to a publisher back in November, but it got rejected. I did get some feedback on it I’ve been pondering. Since the book got rejected, I’ve passed it off to some beta readers, who I’m still waiting to get back to me on what they think of the entire book. In the meantime, I’ve decided to apply for a weeklong writing workshop, ReRAWR, that will be held in June. The project I will be working on at the workshop is the sequel to “Scars of the Golden Dancer.”

Some people have told me that I should get cracking on book two already, and while I’ve not been ready to commit to that yet, I feel the June workshop gives me a deadline for when I plan to finish another round of revisions on Scars. I’m hesitant to say I’ve got it all right, but I would like to move ahead. Planning for book 2 should help showcase issues I need to deal with in book 1. This project, which currently has the working title of “Shadows of the Spotted Swordsman,” will deal with some plot points I left unresolved in first book. My goal for the workshop is to write the first 15,000 words of Shadows using an outline. That also requires me to develop an outline for book 2, something I don’t have yet. Just doing the workshop application though, I’ve put together a little back of the book synopsis and made notes on what are key points I need to revisit in the sequel.

In other writing news, I’ve also got a short story I’ve started working on for the next FANG anthology, due at the end of March. After that, I plan to shift my focus back toward another round or revisions on the novel, although I’m unsure yet what that will entail outside of going over the introduction again. I’ll be attending Furry Fiesta and Fur the More in the next two weeks, although I’m only doing panels at Furry Fiesta. Finally, if you haven’t seen it yet, I put up a public post on my blog called “Keeping the Momentum Going” earlier this month.

Finally, are there any specific topics, characters, or stories you’d like me to talk about? I’m open to suggestions for what I can tell you about how I write and what I write.


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