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 Hey guys, been a little busy this month doing novel edits, so I don’t have a lot I can share right now. I do have some scenes for a vampire fox story I’ve been wanting to work on, but haven’t been able to squeeze in. I’m actually doing some final tweaks tonight so I can submit the novel to a publisher this week. I’ve decided I’m not going to pause the campaign for November because I’m not feeling as worn out as I expected I’d be, and I really, really want to write this vampire short story for you guys.
In the meantime, I need to get back to final prep work, but I want to share the current blurb I have for Scars of the Golden Dancer. This also gives a hint about what happens in chapter 3 of the book.

Life on the edge of the desert has never been easy, especially for the jackal prostitute and sword dancer, Zayn. After selling his wares at auction to a hyena sell sword by the name of Naji, the dark secret of how Zayn has managed to afford food in the lean times comes to light. In a bid to move beyond a life of service to the whims of other men, Zayn agrees to accompany Naji over the mountains to the Sultanate of Khalin. While the journey goes well, things quickly develop after they arrive in Aksu, the sultanate's capital. While honest work presents itself that lets Zayn push himself as a dancer, Naji's motives are not only altruistic; he’s falling in love with Zayn.

Just as Zayn's physical and emotional scars are starting to heal, Naji is abducted by old enemies looking to settle a score. The jackal will have to move quickly to save the hyena, or risk losing him forever.


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