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For a Patreon marked as 18+, I've posted surprisingly little adult content, and nothing sexually explicit has appeared here yet, until today. This story came to me earlier this month, and I wrote the first draft in two hours and ten minutes, with a break for lunch, a surprisingly quick first draft for me. It uses the same characters from "Unknown Stains" and has been a good tool for me to understand some of the characters' emotional issues. I'm submitting "Unknown Stains" tonight to FANG for consideration in the next volume, hoping to keep my streak of appearing in the book going. Anyway, enjoy!


“You need to loosen up,” Leister told me, when I saw him two days ago. I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant by that, but the fight that followed suggested it wasn’t just about my ass. He thinks I’m too tense, I’m too prissy, I’m too whatever. Well fuck him! Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him!

I screw my eyes shut and sigh. God I wish he would have fucked me that night. I am just too tight, and about one of the tensions in my life, a good knot would help me fix that. I position my butt and lower it down so I can press the dog shaped dildo against my tailhole. At least one of those problems I know how to fix.

I just need to loosen up, I tell myself as I start to press the toy against my ass. I wish I knew other ways I could loosen up in my life.

“Oh Leister, can’t you just get it?” I whisper, as I feel the dildo sink into myself, the head slipping in. He loves me, and I love him, but things keep coming up between us, and they’re not toys or knots.

Yes I know I’m not perfect, but it isn’t just me that is part of the problem. I growl in frustration and shove the dildo all the way! Fuck him—oh god that hurts!

My legs get weak due to the pain, and I fall over onto my side, lying on my bed wincing, the toy, buried in my ass.

“Muri you idiot, you can’t angry fuck yourself with a dildo.” I growl to no one in particular.

My bedroom thankfully doesn’t talk back, and I lie there panting. There is only a faint bit of Leister’s African wild dog musk in here since he hasn’t been over in a while, but my comforter still retains his scent. After a minute the pain calms down and I roll over onto my back, pull the toy out, and stare at it. Nine inches of slickened dog shaped black silicon looks back at me, ready to go back into one spotted hyena who instead of taking the toy is having a break down on his bed.

Maybe break down is the wrong term. I’m upset, but it will be okay, I think. I breathe out. I prepped myself for tonight just to end up dirty and unfucked on my own bed. I’m just too tense right now to do this.

“You need to loosen up,” I can hear Leister saying to me in my head.

He’s right, I do need to loosen up. Both if I’m going to take this toy right now and in general. I can’t control everything. I can’t help if I have to work late sometimes or he doesn’t have the money to go out when I want to. I’m still mad as hell at Leister for what he said, but I can’t say it’s all him; my job has been stressful as hell lately.

“Okay, let’s do this,” I say pushing myself up, and go back to kneeling on top of the towel on my bed. I grab the lube and squeeze some more onto my left paw, then I start fingering myself, gently teasing my hole with one digit and then a second. I’m careful with my probing not to scrape my claws against my sensitive insides. My cock gets hard again, finally coming back to attention.

If only this was Leister and not me. I pull my fingers out and grab the toy. I squirt a little more lube on it then reposition it under me. Slowly I lower myself to get it into the right spot. I can feel the tip pressed nicely against my ass, waiting for reentry. I wiggle my butt while holding the base down, letting it rub up and down the cleft of my cheeks. I’ve done this to Leister before, and it drives him crazy.

Finally, when I’m feeling in the mood again, I stop jiggling my butt and position myself. Slowly I sit down on the toy, letting the tip slip into me, feeling the head and then the tapered shaft below it. There, that’s better. I’m feeling looser now that I’ve relaxed. I’m going to try and take this knot before I let myself cum. Working up and down the length above the knot, I remember the last time the two of us had sex. I bought this thing because of Leister. It’s not always easy for me to take his knot, and I wanted to get better at doing that. I think it’s helped me loosen up a lot already, and I enjoy anal more now.

I start stroking my shaft as I press down against the knot, feeling it press against the ring of muscle around my opening. “Oh Leister, take me honey,” I moan out. I pull up and push down against the toy, trying to force the thickest part of the silicone inside of me.

My phone starts ringing just as I’m getting the knot in, and I yelp surprised, shoving the whole thing in as I startle and sit down on the dildo.

“Argh!” I wince, and I have to bite my lip to keep from cursing. Who the fuck is calling me right now?

I grab the phone off my bed stand, not realizing I used the hand I lubed myself up with. The phone flies off the nightstand and lands on the bed face down. Grumbling I have to scoot forward to get it. I’m just going to send them to voicemail and finish this. Finally, I get the phone in my non slick paw and flip it over. I’ve got lube all over the case, but I’ll clean it later. On the screen there is a picture of an African wild dog, a face of black, tan, and white fur smiling up at me. The name Leister is below the portrait.

I freeze. He hasn’t talked to me since the fight except to tell me goodnight when I got home. In a moment of brilliance, I slid the call button to answer and hold the phone up to my ear, sitting back before I realize what’s still in my butt.

“Heeeeyyyy….” I get out with a whine, trying to hide my discomfort.

“Hey,” he says a little confused. “Are you okay, Muri?”

I glance down at my hard dick. “I’m fine. How’s you?”

“I was thinking about what happened, and I wanted to apologize,” he starts out with. “I’m sorry I called you uptight and stuff. I think you are a great guy, and I realize sometimes I’m just an asshole.”

Lord not this. Can’t he just tell me he loves me? “It’s fine.”

“It is? You were really upset and—”

“It’s fine,” I hiss. “Just, I’m a little busy right now too,” I add, my hand drifting down toward my shaft. I’m starting to go soft, and I’d like to finish what I started.

“Oh. I didn’t know. I’ll keep this brief then.”

“Let me call you back tomorrow,” I say.

“Tomorrow?” he says confused.

I give myself a quick stroke. “Yes, tomorrow!”

He is taken back by that. “Sorry, I thought you’d be free, right now.”

“It’s 10 o’clock on a Friday night, what do you think I’m doing?”

“Oh. Oh! Have fun.”

God he thinks I’m hooking up with someone. That’s fine with our relationship agreement, but I don’t do that anymore. “It’s not that!” I blurt out.


Ugh, no point in lying. “I’ve got a canine dildo up my ass and my dick in my hand okay?”



“Yes, Muri?”

“You, uh, don’t want to ask about that?”

He coughs. “I’m not sure what to ask exactly. Canine?”

“Yeah, remember I told you I bought one shaped like you?” I say wiggling it in my ass. The knot stays nicely in place. “I even showed you. I think about you when I use it.”

“When I told you to loosen up, I didn’t mean like that.”

“I know you idiot, but that’s what I’m doing right now!”

He clears his throat and then whispers. “Tell me how it feels.”

“Filling. It’s pretty wonderful.”

“How so?” he asks me, drawing out the words.

I pull up off the knot with a grasp. “Well for starters,” I press down, slipping it back in, “it’s much quieter than you are when I pop it in and out.”

I get a squeaky laugh out of him. “You like the noises I make.”

That’s true for sure. I turn on speaker phone and set my cell phone down on the bed. “I do. Would you like to listen to me finish?”

“I can come over…”

I stroke along my shaft, pressing my ass down with the dildo into it. The bed creaks. “That will be too late.”

He whines and I think I can hear fabric shuffling. “You can at least let me catch up.”

“I’m still mad at you, so why should I?” I say, working my member back to attention.

“Because, who is going to fuck you as good as I do?”

“That assumes I think you’re good.” I whine out. Getting close.

“In a van?”

“In a van?” I say pausing, hand over my dick.

“Yeah, I’ve been working on the van some more. I’ve got the kitchen set up finally. It’s pretty slick. I was calling to see if you wanted to take the Transit out for a week next month.”

A week alone with Leister in a camper van, just me, him, and the open road? “And what would we do,” I say breathlessly.

“Anything you want spotty boy. Hopefully I’ll get to see how you’ve been loosening up.”

That does it and I cum hard, shooting vigorously. I whine loudly. I get some of it on the towel, but a lot of it ends up on the comforter.

“I’m going to take that as a yes,” he says breathless. I can hear a stroking sound coming through the phone.

“Of course. You know I love your van Leister.”

“And me?” he pants.

“Absolutely,” I say gingerly sitting up and pulling the toy out carefully. I toss it onto the comforter. I’ll just wash it all later.

“I love you too,” he whispers back.

I lie on my side and reach behind me to probe at my tailhole. It’s still slick. If he was here, I could go again in a few minutes. “Tell me how much.”

He lets out a chirping whine. “More then I love my van, that’s for sure.”

“It better be more than that van.”

I can hear him just panting and then his breath catches, and he exhales. “It is.”

I probe myself, feeling the muscles gently. “So, want to see how loose I’m getting tomorrow night?” I say with a giggle.

He laughs, high pitched and squeaky. “Sure.”

I screw my eyes shut. “Your place, my place, or the van?”

“It’s a little tight in the back, but we can do it in the van. Did you want to take it out to a camp ground?”

“There some over in Pleasanton. If we call in the morning, we can find a place.”

“I’ll be by late morning then,” he says. “I’ve got a few quick things to do before I come over.”

“That’s fine. It’s last minute anyway.”

“I’ve gotta go clean up, Muri,” he says. “Have a goodnight, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“You too Leister. I love you!” 

There is just a brief pause, and then, “I love you to.” The phone goes dead.

I reach over for the canine dildo on the bed and look at it. Maybe I can get a second round out of myself tonight. I think I’m going to try at least.


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