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A dear friend of mine, Kiri, passed away last week, and it's still hurting a lot. I wrote this late at night after she passed, and I'd like to finally share it. If you want to know more about her, her husband is currently doing a GoFundMe for help with the unexpected expenses. He wrote up all the details of what happened.

In the swirls of your dream light, the sky was bright.

In the shadows of loss, you stood strong.

When you spoke, even the stones called back to you,

the earth echoing with your wisdom.

What dreams did you bring us?

What truths did you seek in the pages of ink you gave us?

Dreams of tomorrow, dreams of better,

they slipped out onto the paper under your paws.

How far you journeyed, from where I knew you,

so wise you became and yet how greatly you ached,

and yet even in your lows,

you still stood up, when someone needed to.

I blink and there you are, standing bright in the dream,

the light swirling around you,

the fire unquenched.

So much more you wanted to teach us…

So much more you were going to be…

Yet before my eyes, the light twists and nothing remains.

When I cry out, you no longer answer.

Dhole sister, what dreams do you see?

What is there you saw you haven’t yet told us?

Why must you leave so soon?


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