Shane Justin Ari Dress💙 (Patreon)
2018-12-10 22:44:55
2023-11-10 00:45:56
Hey everyone! How are you? I'm doing really great, reason being I've always wanted to create the dress but I felt my skill level wasn't high enough. I also thought if my skill level got high enough (which I thought would not happen), I thought it would be too much clipping. But I just went for and in return I made my best cc ever! Like no clipping, its a low mesh poly, it shines and alpha hair cc doesn't disrupt it! So I'm saying all this to say, you guys , if you ever have doubts you can’t do something just try it. You might amaze yourself.
- New Mesh
- All LODs and Morphs
- Female, YA-Elder
- Everyday
- 6 color variations
- CAS thumbnail included
Inspo :