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So I don't want you guys to think I don't care or anything but its alot going on with my family. There was a recent death in my family and I've been working on a piece, (i'm a visual artist) so that's taking up a lot of time. With that there is a new collection dropping soon. Also to people who are pledging the support amount, I'm not opening my pledges back up for the new month, just letting you know (and I'm still not taking new patrons)


Shadae Brown

I appreciate you opening up to us a little more. I'm sorry for your loss and I wish you luck on your project. ❤


I’m so sorry love :/ good luck with everything ❤️


sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss take all the time you need to heal. I will be sending you and your family positive vibes and HUUUUUUUGGGHHHEEE HUGS 🤗. I just had a death in my family and I don’t think the grief has hit me yet . Stay strong


I am so sorry for your loss. I pray for you and your family. Thank you for taking the time to give us this update.