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First, sorry if this appears a bit later than expected, it was really hard to find the right words and organize everything properly. Please try to read everything, I really put my heart and soul within the last weeks to think deeply about how everything can benefits you as well as improving the quality of my work. Keep in mind that the requests of this month are not concerned by this and I will continue to properly release everything!

The beginning of this message will explain in details the reasons why I am doing all of this, but if you want straight to the point informations, you can directly scroll down to the bottom, where all the changes and what you can do are listed. In all cases, just know that I want to be as transparent as possible with all of you, and that I can't thank you enough for the support I got, I never expected at first to have this many people following my work and you can't imagine how much you changed my life, you mean the world to me.

However, I'm sure that some of you have noticed how much delay there is now compared to before in terms of delivery time... I certainly have improved my quality a lot, implemented some new unique animations, but still, I feel really bad about being so late at everything... Right now, the situation is still barely manageable, but if this goes on until the exams period, I will soon be crawling under endless work. 

So here is how I will adapt things moving forward, it is probably subject to change in the future but I feel like this could be the foundation to reach the next level in terms of quality. In fact, I am making these changes to give more freetime to my own creativity leading to even better exclusive content, but also because I will soon recieve my new computer after so much time saving money! (Until now, I did everything with a crappy laptop lol)

Now, here are the changes: 

(Upcoming) I want, in the future, to introduce a new higher level of exclusive content, which will include harems, scenarios, dialogues, stories and so much more under the name of the "Gold Pass". To do this, I will do a complete rebranding of my identity in the future as well as creating my own waifu avatar representing Animeanimph (maybe you will be able to do lewd things to me now LMAO) 

- Adorable, Charming and Delightful tiers will no longer take requests, they will be solely for exclusive content and general support in the future (they will become the Gold Pass with more content than normal, however for the current transition time, they will be like the Cutie tier for a short while so I recommend downgrading). 

- Heavenly tier will become the main "1 request per month" tier, you can still ask for threesomes, but 1/2 times.

- Exquisite tier will become the main "2 requests per month" tier, the weekly work load was too much for me to handle, but also, it was complicated and ambiguous for people to know exactly how many times they can make requests, so that will make it easier. Also, same thing for threesomes, 1/2 times max.

How requests are organized and what to submit: 

- The delivery time for requests will become "within the month", sadly, I can't guarantee "within a week" anymore. Obviously, I always try to deliver as fast as I can so sometimes it might just take a few days, I usually keep people updated whenever they are curious anyway! 

- When making requests, there is not a specific number of poses anymore (there will be at minimum 2 in all cases), their number and the appearance of bonuses like special unique animations will be influenced by how popular the character is. 

I also want a bit more freedom when organizing the request, sometimes the model of a certain character just does not feel right in a particular pose due to its specific components which causes me to go deep into fixing glitches. This costs a lot of time and energy... 

- Of course, I know how much some of you like specific poses so you can specify instead: Something in particular that you would like to see, something you don't want if there is, this concerns poses, maps, outfits, just something that would be important for you while also giving me some room to work with! Also, as I make requests for you, I usually grow closer with you and learn about your tastes, so I always to my best to satisfy your personal needs... :3

How can you use these tiers to your advantage?

I took a LOT of time wondering how this new way of organizing things could benefit you, trying to imagine scenarios that could help you get the most out of my services as well as delivering you my own unique content. In the long run, even though I will always keep requests available for the most passionate fans, I would want to have people supporting me for who I am and what i create rather than making their favorite character and see them disappear just after... 

First solution: If you are not in the Heavenly or Exquisite tier yet and feel like you still want to have me delivering you requests, I suggest you to upgrade ONLY if your financial situation allows you to. You might feel like it is a loss compared to what you paid before, but the quality of my content kept increasing overtime. It is kind of natural considering that I now add unique stuff here and there to surprise you, I believe that it is a good deal. This will REALLY be worth it once I implement the Gold Pass too, since these tiers are automatically in. 

Second solution: If you still want requests from me and only me, then I suggest you to downgrade to the lowest tier in order to save money overtime. Once you have enough and really want a video, you can just upgrade and downgrade again immediately after. By doing this, you will be able to still ask for something every few months when you feel like it, as well as staying updated with the news and the current exclusive content! 

Third solution: If you feel like just getting requests for that price is not worth it for now (which I totally get), what you can do is downgrade to the lowest tier and wait for a long time, I will continue to improve more and more as I have high ambitions and who knows, stuff like the Gold Pass may change your mind when it gets introduced. 

Fourth solution: If you don't mind taking requests from others, then you can downgrade to the lowest tier here and also support my close friends The Hentai Desire as well as Hentai Parade who take requests, I know them personally, they are great people and have potential:


And that covers everything, I will soon modify the tiers directly on my page. 

I imagine that I am taking a big risk of losing many people by implementing these changes, but on the other hand, things just could not go on that way much longer. Let's hope that this will be a new beginning for all of us, as we bring the best upcoming online waifu Animeanimph on the spotlight! 

I can't thank you enough for all the support, I love all of you, especially you reading this message right now and as always, stay safe and take care <3




Is there an estimated day when this will be implemented?


If you talk about the tiers, as soon as the next month starts, i will edit the tiers today if i can, if this is about the gold pass, probably after a few months once i get my computer for xmas, or xxxmas now lol (my laptop is at 20 fps whenever there are more than 3 girls bruh)


If we chose the new request tiers, if I wanted to request threesomes would it have to be every other request. Like if I put in a request every other month I would have to do a single character request in between the threesome requests? (Decided to put it here incase others had the same thought)


I suppose you are refering to the second solution. Yes basically, however if a ridiculous amount of time has passed since your last upgrade to the request tiers I would probably don't mind, it's just that I don't want the threesome to litteraly take over the standard one, but still allow it to everyone


Yeah that is kinda what I was thinking, I wanted to ask to make sure what the limits where