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Hello my dear subscribers! :)

This post is to remind you that you can now make your resquests for the month of october! For the people who already submitted their requests in advance, I am already taking care of them :p

Since this new month is when the weekly tier officially starts, here are some clarifications about the optimal ways to request:

- You can either take your time to gather your ideas and make your request each week, the day which would help me the most in my organisation is the wednesday just before the week you request for (it will let me have two week-ends, at the beginning and the end, to adapt my schedule and take care of it)

- You can also go full monkey brain and ask directly all of the requests of the month like we did for what remained of september, THIS choice is what helps me the most, as i will be able to do everything in advance and avoid getting overwhelmed. It will also avoid you realising that you missed a week as I only make monthly posts.

Now don't worry, if you happen to miss a week or even multiple months, I am willing you let you catch up on what was missed as I love what I am doing above all! This is just a matter of having the best organisation possible in order to satisfy all of you the best I can~ 

(If you are still on the monthly one, don't worry, nothing changes for you)

I also plan on starting giving you some exclusive patreon content this month to thank everyone in the cutie tier!

My situation is slowly getting better and better (got my new appartement and I managed to reupload 300+ videos!) I can't wait to continue improving my quality. Much love and take care <3




Forgot to clarify this, current batch of request are weeks of: - 3rd october - 10th - 17th - 24th