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I'm happy to announce Forge VTT  Patreon Integration!   

Available to our Adventurer ($5) and higher tier subscribers.

You can now enjoy all Asset and Token packs on the Forge VTT Bazaar Marketplace https://forge-vtt.com/creator/forgotten-adventures !!   

*Patreon Integration functionality on Forge requires Story Teller subscription or higher and you need to link your Patreon account in "My Account > Patreon"  

Cheers, hope your forge user libraries just got lighter ^_^




This. Is. Fantastic.


Long waited feature!! It's fantastic! 😍

Mike McCarty

Does that mean we can one click download from the forge bazaar

Mike McCarty

Im at the scribe level which is hitting 5 a month but its not available to me?


This is.. this... I might cry. 🥹

Sam Barrie

hilarious, I JUST finished uploading all of the tokens to my game! xD


Hey, this is awesome! Just one thing: is it possible that the tokens get organized in folders by type of creature, instead of creature pack? Because I don't think I'm going to be able to remember which creature belongs to which pack, and looking for one particular creature folder by folder is so time consuming that it makes this integration kind of worse than just downloading the tokens and uploading them to The Forge. Actually, the same goes for every other file. When you use the searchbar in The Forge, it doesn't look for file names, only folder names. Which makes finding anything in this integration a nightmare. I'm just gonna keep uploading them until this is sorted out, because yeah, as it is now, it's not helpful at all. Thanks!


Unfortunately it's not really possible to reorganize stuff because of how the marketplace is structured. Best workaround probably is to use free Moulinette Core + Moulinette Tiles modules which allows you to browse and search through your library including stuff from the bazaar


Welp, unistalling them all, then. Going through 20 different folders to find a chest or a particular object is not exactly what I call "time saving". Thank you for your response.


That's why I recommended the option above, since then you can just type in "chest" and get the result without going through any folder structure.


I've raised the issue to the Forge staff, because I do agree that not having a search functionality for assets that you get through the bazaar sucks


Yeah, it makes it so that only when you've personally organized your assets in a way that you understand it becomes manageable to find stuff in there. Otherwise, it's just a nightmare. Although I don't know if The Forge is going to be able to do something about it, if I'm not mistaken, core Foundry has the exact same issue. Thank you very much.


Hey, it can work with the Dig Down module. Just letting you know. EDIT: It doesn't work, though.


Hi, I was super excited when I saw this on my feed, but after reading the description I noticed that this is only available for the 'Story Teller' Forge sub - unfortunately I'm only in the Dungeon Master sub tier, is there a reason for this restriction? this integration would be super useful, but I am not looking to spend more on my yearly Forge sub and I don't really understand why it can't be used by Dungeon Masters 😅


That's not our decision - Forge Patreon Integration is a funcionality on ForgeVTT available to all creators, it's not exclusive just for us. (If more creators use it, you get more options for no additional price basically) They decided at which tier of their service subscribtion they want to make it available. We only have a say at which patreon tier we want to make it available and which packs we want to make available through it. I would love to see it for the lower tier too, but it's out of our control unfortunately.


Will new creature and asset packs become available right away when they’re released through the forge bazaar? I’m considering raising my patreon tier for this as it will save me a ton of time downloading and uploading


"Unfortunately it's not really possible to reorganize stuff because of how the marketplace is structured." What if you provide the Méga "Complete Mapmaking Pack" ? Inside everything is in the right place. Perhaps to big


There is size package limit for the marketplace so we cant really do that since everything simply wouldn't fit in one package. + we would have to upload everything twice and updates are also more cumbersome since you have to reupload the whole package not just new additions. It's also still handled as a "standard" marketplace so each product need to havea price tag basically and since we are constantly adding new content it's not reasonable to attach one price tag to everything and update those products for perpetuity for free.


How does this work? I can delete all the FA tokens I uploaded? Where do I find them after I enable in Forge?


Is there an estimate for how long it'll take to port each pack to forge? I wanna use the cultists in a session I have in 2 weeks, will it be vailable from the bazaar by then?


I enabled a bunch of stuff through the Forge, yet I can't seem to find it in any of my games.

FA Battlemaps

they are in the file picker > the bazaar (tab on top) > assets


I don't see some of the packs that I have previously used/relied on in my Foundry instance. I don't see the castle pack as a quick example, or the modular building pack. I think more are missing, but this was the easiest to find as I searched "Sign" via moulinette with the Bazaar indexed, and found nothing (but did find it in my previously loaded tile set). I'm hoping to rely entirely on the bazaar hosted content, so please let me know if there is a process for the other packs to be loaded in.


We do not sell stuff that we consider "Retired" as it does not meet our current standards anymore. So you would have to upload those old assets yourself.


That makes sense, I do appreciate the consistency. Is there a list that you have available of the "retired" packs so that I know which ones I have to load in? I'm very much looking forward to significantly reducing the number of assets I have to load in!

david picariello

Do the dungeon assest also work in foundry now too we can in maps on foudnry?


Works like a charm for me, thank you! Only issue I have: Since Foundry doesn't support Search for subfolders, is there any easy way to find specific tokens fast? As it stands now, I have to click through every subfolder of the "creature token"-folders to look for what I need - seems a bit impractical to me. Any suggestions? Thank you - and keep up the great work!