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We have couple of simple questions for you that we would really appreciate If you would be so kind and take couple of minutes to answer.  

It'll help us get some insight into our community, which we can use to better tailor and prioritize various content that we make ^_^  

Link to a survey: https://forms.gle/UN1VCwHpmygdCGzp6




I run primarily gaslamp fantasy/steampunk scenarios, heavily homebrewed, so your tokens and map assets have generally been extremely helpful in that regard! The only things I sometimes find myself missing are unarmed 'civilians' of non-human races. I also tend to use a few more construct-style NPCs and enemies than that category of tokens can provide for, but I understand that dips outside of the typical fantasy design space you're running with.


I was pleasantly surprised to see Pathfinder 2e make an appearance in the survey, I've mostly switched to it from D&D 5e. 75% of the time there is an existing monster token that will fit well enough, as for the rest well that just gives me an opportunity to describe it's characteristics and my players to exercise their imagination (though more tokens is always good :) ) Other than that I'd like to see more plant/tree variety to make jungle/forest biomes just a little more diverse (though that's happening gradually already). Lastly, thankyou, well worth it!


Inkarnate releases packs that are themed. One release was a Hellscape, most recently it was pirates. I'd love to see something like that here. Like January is Pirate month! And February is Ninja month (or Asian influenced assets month)! It's more about flavor than completeness. I don't need steampunk walls, but clockwork items, gas lamps and a weird pneumatic rifle would let me flavor a gothic set into more steampunky. (Inkarnate has Gothic walls). DnD itself has other settings like Dark Sun, Spelljammer, Ravenloft, etc. If the plan is to stick with DnD. But, if you want a best friend, cyberpunk assets :) Just some thoughts.


I'm happy you're asking about pathfinder 2e tokens. one of the threads i made in your discord was actually about making dragons from 2e, since they have a much wider range of them. a lot of the dragon tokens you've made work, but there's *so many* other dragon types we dont have tokens for yet that are popular appearances in 2nd edition. the eastern serpentine-like dragons, the magma dragons, crystal, cloud, void, etc the list goes on!


I love your assets! I just wanted to add that I hope that more spell templates are on the way. They're super useful!


Your work is simply perfect and I'll love to see more official (WotC) contents!


Would love to see PF2 monsters tokens.


I would like to see assets for wonderdraft!

Aliakai Gauch

So much this! I love pf2e so much, ever since I discovered it I've converted all my games and most of my maps are for pf2e now.


I would love to see homebrew races out there as tokens.


I want more corpses!